
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:15


continue是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 继续, 连续, 延伸,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Gideon Spilett proposed to continue the exploration, that the question of the supposed wreck might be completely settled, and he asked at what distance Claw Cape might be from the extremity of the peninsula.



-- 'He has minded the office again,' said Brass triumphantly; 'he has had my confidence, and he shall continue to have it; he why, where's the ''What have you lost?'



-- The presiding justice was about to continue his interrogation when the member with the eye- glasses, angrily whispering something, stopped him.

-- And he had to esteem himself as such in order to be able to continue to lead a valiant and joyous life.

-- "Yes, to breathe freely; to go abroad-- to Rome--and continue to work on my picture."

-- "I must also tell you," said Nekhludoff, "that I cannot continue to serve as juror."

-- He could not continue and left the net, making efforts to stifle the sobbing which was convulsing his breast.



-- Such a leak could not be stopped; and the Scotia, her paddles half submerged, was obliged to continue her course.

-- The fishing ended, the provision of air renewed, I thought that the Nautilus was about to continue its submarine excursion, and was preparing to return to my room, when, without further preamble, the Captain turned to me, saying:"Professor, is not this ocean gifted with real life?

-- Do you mean the year that will bring us to the end of our imprisonment, or the year that sees us continue this strange voyage?"

-- The last marvel is always the most astonishing; and, if we continue this progression, I do not know how it will end.

-- "Let us continue hunting," replied Conseil.



-- Yet she must continue in this state of violent active superconsciousness.

-- It took all her courage for her to continue brushing her hair, as usual, for her to pretend she was at her ease.



-- He managed to continue work till nine o'clock, and then marched dumb and dour to his chamber.

-- It is mine, at present; and, therefore, continue minutely.

-- If all else perished, and HE remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it.






