continue是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 继续, 连续, 延伸,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- they would cry; yet I must, to please my fancy, continue quite quietly, and add: 'But Copenhagen has its East Street.'
-- One thing could be seen beyond doubt--that was that at the actual moment the discussion was irritating Sergey Ivanovitch, and so it was wrong to continue it.
-- Passepartout, delighted that the young woman, who was very gracious to him, was going to continue the journey with them, went off at a brisk gait to obey his master's order.
-- They chatted about the journey, and Passepartout was especially merry at the idea that Fix was going to continue it with them.
-- What!Had Mr. Fogg and himself crossed the Pacific together, and not met on the steamer!At least Fix felt honoured to behold once more the gentleman to whom he owed so much, and, as his business recalled him to Europe, he should be delighted to continue the journey in such pleasant company.
-- It would be prudent to continue on to Omaha, for it would be dangerous to return to the train, which the Indians might still be engaged in pillaging.
-- They could now continue the journey so terribly interrupted.
-- This autumn the Digams elected Ira Hinkley, because they had been gaining a reputation for dissipation--girls were said to have been smuggled in late at night--and no company which included the Reverend Mr. Hinkley could possibly be taken by the Dean as immoral, which was an advantage if they were to continue comfortably immoral.
-- "Probably not--and until some genius like yourself, Arrowsmith, can herd together a few hundred people with exactly identical cases of erysipelas, it probably never will be tried!Meanwhile I trust that you other gentlemen, who perhaps lack Mr. Arrowsmith's profound scientific attainments and the power to use such handy technical terms as 'control,' will, merely on my feeble advice, continue to use ichthyol!"
-- 芒聙娄 Come, that's enough,' Razumihin concluded, and he turned abruptly to Zossimov to continue their previous conversation.
-- 'Yes, such suspicions and such scenes cannot continue for long.
-- I could not eat, I could not sit still, I could not continue steadfast toanything.
-- She was short, 26 Emmaplump, and fair, with a fine bloom, blue eyes, light hair, reg-ular features, and a look of great sweetness, and, before the end of the evening, Emma was as much pleased with her manners as her person, and quite determined to continue the acquaintance.
-- He was too angry to say another word; her manner too decided to invite supplication; and in this state of swell-ing resentment, and mutually deep mortification, they had to continue together a few minutes longer, for the fears of Mr. Woodhouse had confined them to a foot-pace.
-- 'I hope I am aware that they may be too noisy for your father or even may be some encumbrance to you, if your visiting engagements continue to increase as much as they have done lately.'
-- With great indignation did he continue to observe him; with great alarm and distrust, to observe also his two blind-ed companions.
-- Do not let mine continue longer.
-- Oak's eyes could not forsake them; and in endeavouring to continue his shearing at the same time that he watched Boldwood's manner, he snipped the sheep in the groin.
-- That matters should continue pleasant Maryann spoke, who, what with her brown complexion, and the working wrapper of rusty linsey, had at present the mellow hue of an old sketch in oils notably some of Nicholas Poussin's: "Do anybody know of a crooked man, or a lame, or any second-hand fellow at all that would do for poor me?"
-- And some profess to have attained to the same knowledge by experiment as aforesaid, and jauntily continue their indulgence in such experiments with terrible effect.
-- "I shall have no bailiff; I shall continue to be my own manager," she said decisively.
-- "For though I have purchased my discharge from Her Most Gracious Majesty's regiment of cavalry the 11th Dragoon Guards, to attend to the new duties awaiting me here, I shall continue a soldier in spirit and feeling as long as I live."
-- The disgusting color of his hair was a result of his excesses and of the drugs which he had taken that he might continue his career.
-- "You continue to receive, possibly you fear, those who know the amount of pain that they deliberately inflict; but a clumsy blunderer who has no idea how deeply he wounds is looked upon as a fool who does not know how to make use of his opportunities, and every one despises him."