
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:14


dreadful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 可怕的; 令人敬畏的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- In this alarming situation and amid dreadful alternations of hope and despair, the 12th of December passed away, and the ensuing night, John Mangles never left his post, not even to take food.

-- His face, already changed by death, was a dreadful spectacle.

-- And as they thought of the dreadful disappointment that awaited them, they trembled lest this new trial should crush them completely.



-- Incredible as it may ap-pear to you, Mr. Holmes, he was honestly convinced that a dreadful fate overhung his family, and certainly the re-cords which he was able to give of his ancestors were not encouraging.

-- I had descended from my gig and was standing in front of him, when I saw his eyes fix themselves over my shoulder, and stare past me with an expression of the most dreadful horror.

-- I have cross-examined these men, one of them a hard-headed countryman, one a farrier, and one a moorland farmer, who all tell the same story of this dreadful apparition, exactly corresponding to the hell-hound of the legend.

-- Then a long, agonized, writhing neck shot up-ward and a dreadful cry echoed over the moor.

-- Blindly we ran through the gloom, blundering against boulders, forcing our way through gorse bushes, panting up hills and rushing down slopes, heading always in the direc-tion whence those dreadful sounds had come.



-- Isn't it a dreadful idea that he should have cried cried!Whoever heard of a grown man crying from fear not a child, but a man who never had cried before a grown man of forty-five years.

-- Imagine what must have been going on in that man's mind at such a moment; what dreadful convulsions his whole spirit must have endured; it is an outrage on the soul that's what it is.

-- A murder by sentence is far more dreadful than a murder committed by a criminal.



-- To take three thousand pounds from the fortune of their dear little boy would be impoverishing him to the most dreadful degree.

-- To hear those beautiful lines which have frequently almost driven me wild, pronounced with such impenetrable calmness, such dreadful indifference!"

-- "To be sure," continued Lucy, after a few minutes silence on both sides, "his mother must provide for him sometime or other; but poor Edward is so cast down by it!Did you not think him dreadful low-spirited when he was at Barton?

-- "Here is some mistake I am sure some dreadful mistake.

-- Tell him I must see him again must speak to him instantly. I cannot rest I shall not have a moment's peace till this is explained some dreadful misapprehension or other. Oh go to him this moment."



-- "'No,' said the girl, 'but it is dreadful to be hungry.'



-- It was dreadful lonesome.

-- I begun to think how dreadful it was, even for mur- derers, to be in such a fix.

-- So they went off a-jawing; and I felt dreadful glad I'd worked it all off on to the niggers, and yet hadn't done the niggers no harm by it.

-- Why, he'll say, 'It's a great pity, but my church mat-ters has got to get along the best way they can; for my niece has been exposed to the dreadful pluribus-unum mumps, and so it's my bounden duty to set down here and wait the three months it takes to show on her if she's got it.'

-- Hines he hurt my wrist dreadful pulling and tugging so, and I reckon he clean forgot I was in the world, he was so excited and pant-ing.



-- Unhappy boy!If he had only known then the dreadful things that were to happen to him on account of his disobedience!

-- "I have been waiting two hours for you!And two hours on a dreadful night like this are as long as two years.








