dreadful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 可怕的; 令人敬畏的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "How can people say such dreadful things about you?"
-- Oh, the nausea of standing by the doctor, trying not to vomit when his bright knife cut into mortifying flesh!Andoh, the horror of hearing the screams from the operating ward where amputations were going on!And the sick, helplesssense of pity at the sight of tense, white faces of mangled men waiting for the doctor to get to them, men whose earswere filled with screams, men waiting for the dreadful words: "I'm sorry, my boy, but that hand will have to come off.
-- For the fugitive out on the marshes with the ironed leg, the mysterious young man, the file, the food, and the dreadful pledge I was under to commit a larceny on those sheltering premises, rose before me in the avenging coals.
-- I felt that I must have something in reserve for my dreadful acquaintance, and his ally the still more dreadful young man.
-- Conscience is a dreadful thing when it accuses man or boy; but when, in the case of a boy, that secret burden co-operates with another secret burden down the leg of his trousers, it is (as I can testify) a great punishment.
-- "You've been lying out on the meshes, and they're dreadful aguish.
-- In my dreadful situation, it was a relief when he was brought back, and surveying the company all round as if they had disagreed with him, sank down into his chair with the one significant gasp, "Tar!"
-- In the middle of the heavens there was a little piece of blue sky, but towards the south all was red, as if a dreadful storm was rising.
-- Then the man went shivering with fear; and as he was going down to the shore a dreadful storm arose, so that the trees and the very rocks shook.
-- 'Mother,' said the boy, 'how dreadful you look!Yes, give me an apple.'
-- Then they all three rode on together, and on their way home came to a country that was laid waste by war and a dreadful famine, so that it was feared all must die for want.
-- 'Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue, most mighty Emperor of Lilliput, delight and terror of the universe, whose dominions extend five thousand blustrugs (about twelve miles in circumference) to the ex-tremities of the globe; monarch of all monarchs, taller than the sons of men; whose feet press down to the centre, and whose head strikes against the sun; at whose nod the princ-es of the earth shake their knees; pleasant as the spring, comfortable as the summer, fruitful as autumn, dreadful as winter: his most sublime majesty proposes to the man-mountain, lately arrived at our celestial dominions, the following articles, which, by a solemn oath, he shall be obliged to perform:- '1st, The man-mountain shall not depart from our do-minions, without our license under our great seal.
-- When they came to fourscore years, which is reckoned the extremity of living in this country, they had not only all the follies and infir-mities of other old men, but many more which arose from the dreadful prospect of never dying.
-- He thought of the waste of the best part of his life, of the change it made in his character for the worse every day, of the dreadful nature of his existence, bound hand and foot, to a dead woman, and tormented by a demon in her shape.
-- 'That is a dreadful thought,' said Sissy, turning pale.
-- 'It is a dreadful thought to think he may be murdered.'
-- There was one dim unformed fear lingering about his sister's mind, to which she never gave utterance, which surrounded the graceless and ungrateful boy with a dreadful mystery.
-- 'Rachael, dear Rachael, good Rachael, for the love of Heaven, not these dreadful cries!Think of Stephen, think of Stephen, think of Stephen!'
-- 'Finching oh yes isn't it a dreadful name, but as Mr F. said when he proposed to me which he did seven times and handsomely consented I must say to be what he used to call on liking twelve months, after all, he wasn't answerable for it and couldn't help it could he, Excellent man, not at all like you but excellent man!'
-- But I got such a dreadful turn, Jeremiah, before I went off a-dreaming, that I think it must be that.'
-- That dreadful Art 'True.
-- With those words and a parting glance, Flora bustled out, leaving Clennam under dreadful apprehension of this terrible charge.
-- The Chorus were excessively nervous, perhaps as labouring under the dreadful apprehension that some good thing was going to be diverted from them!Bishop alone talked steadily and evenly.
-- 'It's so dreadful to be poor!'