aim是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 目的; 瞄准vi. (at) 目的在于vt. 把…瞄准,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- When they were close up to one another, Phegeus took aim first, but his spear went over Diomed's left shoulder without hitting him.
-- I have tak-en aim at him already and hit him on the right shoulder; my arrow went through the breastpiece of his cuirass; and I made sure I should send him hurrying to the world be-low, but it seems that I have not killed him.
-- He looked up as if to take aim with that introductory shot.
-- Then as swiftly came the sponge from the washstand; and then the chair, flinging the stranger's coat and trousers carelessly aside, and laughing drily in a voice singularly like the stranger's, turned itself up with its four legs at Mrs. Hall, seemed to take aim at her for a moment, and charged at her.
-- No doubt their chief aim was artistic torture, but some at least of the inquisitors must have had a touch of scientific curiosity.'
-- But his aim was interrupted by the vigilance of his enemies, whose rifles instantaneously bore on any part of his person that was left exposed.
-- But as they regarded the fatal accu-racy of an aim which had dared to immolate an enemy at so much hazard to a friend, the name of 'La Longue Carabine' burst simultaneously from every lip, and was succeeded by a wild and a sort of plaintive howl.
-- Happily, the aim was bad, and the bullets cut the air in a direction a little different from that taken by the fugitives; though still so nigh them, that to the unpractised ears of David and the two females, it appeared as if they whistled within a few inches of the organs.
-- exclaimed the savage, whose treacherous aim was so singularly and so unexpectedly interrupted.
-- The latter then took a swift aim and fired.
-- "What on earth can it be that two people so dissimilar as you and Strickland could aim at?"
-- The last words in his note-book were these: "A Southern rifleman has just taken aim at me, but " The Southerner notwithstanding missed Gideon Spilett, who, with his usual fortune, came out of this affair without a scratch.
-- Soon their common aim had but one object, that of escaping, rejoining Grant's army, and fighting together in the ranks of the Federals.
-- It might even have been said that he did not observe the country at all, either in its configuration or in its natural productions, his great aim being to climb the mountain before him, and therefore straight towards it he went.
-- Then Herbert fixing it to his bow, took a careful aim for the lower part of the ladder.
-- So saying, the sailor, raising his piece, took a rapid aim at one of the monkeys and fired.
-- 'We pursue this aim together,' retorted her grandfather, still looking away and seeming to confer with himself.
-- And yet the habits of his past life, the ties of friendship and kinship, and especially his one great aim of helping Maslova and the other unfortunates, drew him into that sphere against his will; and he was compelled to ask the aid and services of people whom he had not only ceased to respect but who called forth his indignation and contempt.
-- And as though justifying himself, he began to recount all the conveniences enjoyed by the prisoners in a manner to make one believe that the chief aim of the institution consisted in making it a pleasant place of abode.
-- He had made it the aim of his young life, not merely by word, but in reality, to serve others, and thought he saw his chance of doing so in government service.
-- His sole desire in life was to enjoy himself, and he had never met any people who, out of any consideration, tempered their passions, nor had he ever heard that there was any other aim in life than personal enjoyment.
-- "As if the aim of courts was to do justice!"
-- Both the squire and I returned the shot, but as we had nothing to aim at, it is probable we only wasted powder.
-- At the second trial, the aim was better, and the ball descended inside the stockade, scattering a cloud of sand but doing no further damage.