stock是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 存货, 供给, 股票 v. 供应,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The arms and instruments, and a small stock of provisions were divided among the seven travelers, and it was unanimously agreed that the ascent should recommence at once, and, if necessary, should continue part of the night.
-- "Well," said Glenarvan, "we had better go down to our friends, and advise them to wrap themselves up in their philosophy and their ponchos as tightly as possible, and above all, to lay in a stock of patience, for we shall need it before very long."
-- "Yes, your honor, I took in an ample store at Talcahuano, and, besides, we can easily replenish our stock of coal at Cape Town."
-- The different stock were kept apart, for wild sheep and bullocks would not have got on together at all.
-- Mrs. Epanchin came of the princely stock of Muishkin, which if not a brilliant, was, at all events, a decidedly an-cient family; and she was extremely proud of her descent.
-- Nina Alexandrovna gave a little cry of anxiety; Ptitsin took a step forward in alarm; Colia and Ferdishenko stood stock still at the door in amazement; only Varia remained coolly watching the scene from under her eyelashes.
-- champagne!That was an interesting item of news, at all events! Twelve bottles!Dear me, that's a very respectable little stock indeed!I bet anything Lebedeff lent somebody money on deposit of this dozen of champagne.
-- I did not take stock of him very carefully, but he seemed to be dressed in some shabby summer dust-coat, much too light for the season.
-- They are of the stock that great Jove gave to Tros in payment for his son Ganymede, and are the finest that live and move under the sun.
-- He stood stock still, trembling and in great fear; his teeth chattered, and he turned pale with fear.
-- Then fell Alcathous son of noble Aesyetes; he was son-in-law to Anchises, having married his eldest daughter Hippodameia, who was the darling of her father and mother, and excelled all her generation in beauty, accomplishments, and under-standing, wherefore the bravest man in all Troy had taken her to wife him did Neptune lay low by the hand of Idome-neus, blinding his bright eyes and binding his strong limbs in fetters so that he could neither go back nor to one side, but stood stock still like pillar or lofty tree when Idome-neus struck him with a spear in the middle of his chest.
-- Automedon, valiant son of Diores, lashed them again and again; many a time did he speak kindly to them, and many a time did he upbraid them, but they would neither go back to the ships by the waters of the broad Hellespont, nor yet into battle among the Achaeans; they stood with their chariot stock still, as a pillar set over the tomb of some dead man or woman, and bowed their heads to the ground.
-- When they reached the place where they would lay their ambush, it was on a riverbed to which live stock of all kinds would come from far and near to wa-ter; here, then, they lay concealed, clad in full armour.
-- And then the whole tumultuous rush has passed and the Iping street with its gauds and flags is deserted save for the still raging unseen, and littered with cocoanuts, overthrown canvas screens, and the scattered stock in trade of a sweetstuff stall.
-- The next few days were spent in getting the elephants to-gether, in walking the newly caught wild elephants up and down between a couple of tame ones to prevent them giv-ing too much trouble on the downward march to the plains, and in taking stock of the blankets and ropes and things that had been worn out or lost in the forest.
-- He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting' It would seem that the stock of the horse of Israel had descended to our own time; would it not, friend?'
-- If the latter, gratitude must close our mouths; but if the for-mer, both Cora and I shall have need to draw largely on that stock of hereditary courage which we boast, even before we are made to encounter the redoubtable Montcalm.'
-- The Sagamore is of the high blood of the Delawares, and is the great chief of their Tortoises!That some of this stock are among the people of whom the sing-er tells us, is plain by his words; and, had he but spent half the breath in prudent questions that he has blown away in making a trumpet of his throat, we might have known how many warriors they numbered.
-- he said, 'my race upholds the earth!Your feeble tribe stands on my shell!What fire that a Delaware can light would burn the child of my fathers,' he added, pointing proudly to the simple blazonry on his skin; 'the blood that came from such a stock would smother your flames!My race is the grandfather of na-tions!'
-- "He's on the Stock Exchange, and he's a typical broker.
-- 'Well, if that's the way I'm agreed, but I don't take no stock in it.
-- I don't take no stock in mathematics, any- way.
-- 'Why, live stock cattle, you know.
-- I doan' take no stock in dat.