
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


twice是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 两次, 两倍,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'Say, rather, I would have watched, but my treacherous eyes betrayed me; twice have I proved myself unfit for the trust I bear.'

-- Once or twice the listeners thought they could distinguish the distant rustling of bushes, as bodies of some unknown description rushed through them; nor was it long before Hawkeye pointed out the 'scampering of the wolves,' as they fled precipitately before the passage of some intruder on their proper domains.

-- Let them come up within striking distance my eye may well be trusted in such a matter and I will trail the varlets the length of the Horican, guaranteeing that not a shot of theirs shall, at the worst, more than break the skin, while 'killdeer' shall touch the life twice in three times.'

-- The bear growled frequently at his heels, and once or twice its enormous paws were laid on his person, as if disposed to prevent his further passage into the den.



-- Once or twice Mrs. Strickland's eyes rested on him somewhat anxiously.

-- He glanced at me once or twice reflectively, but for the most part seemed occupied with his own thoughts; and certainly without Stroeve's babble the conversation would have been difficult.

-- Stroeve went twice a day to the hospital to enquire after his wife, who still declined to see him; and came away at first relieved and hopeful because he was told that she seemed to be growing better, and then in despair because, the complication which the doctor had feared having ensued, recovery was impossible.

-- His garb of woe suggested that he had lost in one catastrophe every relation he had in the world, even to cousins by marriage twice removed.

-- Twice Strickland refused a berth on tramps sailing for the United States, and once on a collier going to Newcastle.



-- Twice the sailor rose and intrenched himself at the opening of the passage, so as to take a look in safety at the outside.

-- Once or twice Pencroft gave forth some ideas upon what it would be best to do; but Cyrus Harding, who was evidently of a methodical mind, only shook his head without uttering a word.

-- However, once or twice in the second week of August, the traps supplied the hunters with other animals more useful than foxes, namely, several of those small wild boars which had already been seen to the north of the lake.

-- "I am very fond of pig," replied the sailor, "particularly of its feet, and if it had eight instead of four, I should like it twice as much!"



-- When she had knocked twice or thrice there was a noise as if some person were moving inside, and at length a faint light appeared through the glass which, as it approached very slowly, the bearer having to make his way through a great many scattered articles, enabled me to see both what kind of person it was who advanced and what kind of place it was through which he came.

-- I waited for him to speak again, but he rested his chin upon his hand and shaking his head twice or thrice fixed his eyes upon the fire.

-- I could see that twice or thrice he looked back as if to ascertain if I were still watching him, or perhaps to assure himself that I was not following at a distance.

-- said the other, returning to his seat after having paced the room twice or thrice, 'will you talk seriously for two minutes, if I show you a way to make your fortune with very little trouble?'

-- 'You must dance with Miss Cheggs,' said Miss Sophy to Dick Swiviller, after she had herself danced twice with Mr Cheggs and made great show of encouraging his advances.



-- After walking twice around the corner of the house, and stepping several times into mud-pools, Nekhludoff returned to the window of the maid-servants' quarters.

-- "She don't know Stchegloff!He twice escaped from Siberia.

-- Maslova was awake and incessantly thinking of herself as a convict, the word which had been twice applied to her--once by Bochkova, and again by the red-haired woman.

-- He had lived on the estate in his childhood and youth, and had also twice visited it in his manhood, once when, upon the request of his mother, he brought a German manager with whom he went over the affairs of the estate.

-- Nekhludoff managed to see Maslova only twice between Nijhni and Perm--once in Nijhni while the prisoners were being placed on a net-covered lighter, and again in the office of the Perm prison.



-- Twice I fancied I saw a solitary white, ape-like creature running rather quickly up the hill, and once near the ruins I saw a leash of them carrying some dark body.









