
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


twice是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 两次, 两倍,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- It was one of those cataclysms frequent in Chili, and in this very region where Copiapo had been twice destroyed, and Santiago four times laid in ruins in fourteen years.

-- Paganel was helped twice to each dish, through "absence of mind," he said.

-- Twice over in the early part of the century, Amsterdam Island became the country of deserted sailors, providentially saved from misery and death; but since these events no vessel had been lost on its coast.



-- Once or twice in the daytime I thought I saw the Pico of Teneriffe, being the high top of the Mountain Teneriffe in the Canaries, and had a great mind to venture out, in hopes of reaching thither; but having tried twice, I was forced in again by contrary winds, the sea also going too high for my little vessel; so, I resolved to pursue my first design, and keep along the shore.

-- But neither would this deliv-er me from the fury of the sea, which came pouring in after me again; and twice more I was lifted up by the waves and carried forward as before, the shore being very flat.

-- This plain was not above a hun-dred yards broad, and about twice as long, and lay like a green before my door; and, at the end of it, descended irreg-ularly every way down into the low ground by the seaside.



-- Twice every year these annuities were to be paid; and then there was the trouble of getting it to them; and then one of them was said to have died, and afterwards it turned out to be no such thing.

-- "Yes; and the set of breakfast china is twice as handsome as what belongs to this house.

-- Twice did I leave them purposely together in the course of the last morning, and each time did he most unaccountably follow me out of the room.

-- She only wished that it were less openly shewn; and once or twice did venture to suggest the propriety of some self-command to Marianne.

-- The grounds were declared to be highly beautiful, and Sir John, who was particularly warm in their praise, might be allowed to be a tolerable judge, for he had formed parties to visit them, at least, twice every summer for the last ten years.



-- She would get stockings, too, and a skirt, and, and-- until already, as in the matter of her prospective salary, she had got beyond, in her desires, twice the purchasing power of her bills.

-- Once or twice he had held his peace, hoping that in silence her thoughts would take the colour of his own, but she had lightly continued the subject.

-- Twice a week there were matinees, and then Hurstwood ate a cold snack, which he prepared himself.

-- Once or twice he would have ploughed through the rear fence if it had not been for the hand and word of his companion.

-- A green conductor jumped up behind and rang the bell twice as a signal to start.



-- The woods warn't thick, so I looked over my shoulder to dodge the bullet, and twice I seen Har-ney cover Buck with his gun; and then he rode away the way he come to get his hat, I reckon, but I couldn't see.

-- Sometimes I heard guns away off in the woods; and twice I seen little gangs of men gallop past the log store with guns; so I reckoned the trouble was still a-go-ing on.

-- Once or twice of a night we would see a steamboat slip-ping along in the dark, and now and then she would belch a whole world of sparks up out of her chimbleys, and they would rain down in the river and look awful pretty; then she would turn a corner and her lights would wink out and her powwow shut off and leave the river still again; and by and by her waves would get to us, a long time after she was gone, and joggle the raft a bit, and after that you wouldn't hear nothing for you couldn't tell how long, except maybe frogs or something.

-- I didn't have to be ordered twice to go and take a steam-boat ride.

-- They took and shoved the bag through a rip in the straw tick that was under the feather-bed, and crammed it in a foot or two amongst the straw and said it was all right now, because a nigger only makes up the feath-er-bed, and don't turn over the straw tick only about twice a year, and so it warn't in no danger of getting stole now.



-- The yelling was of no use, for the Marionettes, instead of going on with their act, made twice as much racket as before, and, lifting up Pinocchio on their shoulders, carried him around the stage in triumph.

-- Once or twice he shouted, "Who goes there?"

-- "I think he's a very good boy, fond of study, obedient, kind to his Father, and to his whole family--" As he was telling all these enormous lies about himself, Pinocchio touched his nose and found it twice as long as it should be.









