either是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 也(不) pron. 两者之一a. (两者中) 任一的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- On either hand were long black tiers of colliers; between them vessels slowly working out of harbour with sails glistening in the sun, and creaking noise on board, re-echoed from a hundred quarters.
-- Mr Quilp, either because frightening anybody afforded him a constitutional delight, or because it was pleasant to contemplate the death of Mrs Quilp number one, and the elevation of Mrs Quilp number two to her post and title, or because he was determined from purposes of his own to be agreeable and good-humoured at that particular time, only laughed and feigned to take no heed of her alarm.
-- 'I'll beat you to a pulp, you dogs,' said Quilp, vainly endeavoring to get near either of them for a parting blow.
-- Here she stood, for a few moments, quite transfixed with terror at the sight of Mr Quilp, who was hanging so far out of bed that he almost seemed to be standing on his head, and who, either from the uneasiness of this posture, or in one of his agreeable habits, was gasping and growling with his mouth wide open, and the whites (or rather the dirty yellows) of his eyes distinctly visible.
-- There was the choice of two things before her; either the humiliating occupation of a servant, with the certain unwelcome attentions of the men, or a secure, quiet and legitimatized position of everybody's mistress.
-- Now that he found himself the owner of vast estates, he was confronted by two alternatives: either to waive his ownership in favor of the peasants, as he did ten years ago with the two hundred acres, or, by tacit acquiescence, confess that all his former ideas were erroneous and false.
-- In the front row sat four women, either servants or factory employees, and two men, also workmen, who were evidently awed by the grandeur of the ornamentations, and were timidly whispering to each other.
-- A white prison cap covered her head; her face was grayish, and her eyes were devoid of either eye-lashes or eyebrows.
-- On the second examination, however, he denied having either stolen the money, or given Maslova the powders, but charged Maslova with both.
-- It was not a mere block, but highly decorated with deep framed panels on either side.
-- The delicate little people must have heard me hammering in gusty outbreaks a mile away on either hand, but nothing came of it.
-- Either I missed some subtle point or their language was excessively simple almost exclusively composed of concrete substantives and verbs.
-- Yet we, at least, should be willing enough to explain these things to him!And even of what he knew, how much could he make his untravelled friend either apprehend or believe?
-- "Weena had been hugely delighted when I began to carry her, but after a while she desired me to let her down, and ran along by the side of me, occasionally darting off on either hand to pick flowers to stick in my pockets.
-- Alice did not like shaking hands with either of them first, for fear of hurting the other one's feelings; so, as the best way out of the difficulty, she took hold of both hands at once: the next moment they were dancing round in a ring.
-- Just look along the road, and tell me if you can see either of them.'
-- This is a serious question, my dear, and you should not go on licking your paw like that as if Dinah hadn't washed you this morning!You see, Kitty, it must have been either me or the Red King.
-- When I returned with the rum, they were already seated on either side of the captain's breakfast-table Black Dog next to the door and sitting sideways so as to have one eye on his old shipmate and one, as I thought, on his retreat.
-- It was some time before either I or the captain seemed to gather our senses, but at length, and about at the same moment, I released his wrist, which I was still holding, and he drew in his hand and looked sharply into the palm.
-- Indeed, it seemed impossible for either of us to remain much longer in the house; the fall of coals in the kitchen grate, the very ticking of the clock, filled us with alarms.
-- The fog was rapidly dispersing; already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side; and it was only in the exact bottom of the dell and round the tavern door that a thin veil still hung unbroken to conceal the first steps of our escape.
-- This time, as the distance was short, I did not mount, but ran with Dogger's stirrup-leather to the lodge gates and up the long, leafless, moonlit avenue to where the white line of the hall buildings looked on either hand on great old gardens.
-- Either we do know all the varieties of beings which people our planet, or we do not.
-- Either Captain Farragut would kill the narwhal, or the narwhal would kill the captain.