
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


either是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 也(不) pron. 两者之一a. (两者中) 任一的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- So next morning when the king had the twelve huntsmen called before him, and they came into the ante-chamber where the peas were lying, they stepped so firmly on them, and had such a strong, sure walk, that not one of the peas either rolled or stirred.



-- I hope you will be ready to own publicly, whenever you shall be called to it, that by your great and frequent urgency you prevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect account of my travels, with directions to hire some young gentleman of either university to put them in order, and correct the style, as my cousin Dampier did, by my advice, in his book called 'A Voyage round the world.'

-- Likewise in the account of the academy of projectors, and several pas-sages of my discourse to my master Houyhnhnm, you have either omitted some material circumstances, or minced or changed them in such a manner, that I do hardly know my own work.

-- He put this engine into our ears, which made an incessant noise, like that of a water- mill: and we conjecture it is either some unknown animal, or the god that he worships; but we are more inclined to the latter opinion, because he assured us, (if we understood him right, for he expressed himself very imperfectly) that he seldom did any thing without consult-ing it.

-- When a great office is vacant, either by death or disgrace (which often happens,) five or six of those candidates petition the emperor to enter-tain his majesty and the court with a dance on the rope; and whoever jumps the highest, without falling, succeeds in the office.

-- he first request I made, after I had obtained my liber-Tty, was, that I might have license to see Mildendo, the metropolis; which the emperor easily granted me, but with a special charge to do no hurt either to the inhabitants or their houses.



-- He had reached the neutral ground upon the outskirts of the town, which was neither town nor country, and yet was either spoiled, when his ears were invaded by the sound of music.

-- Thomas Gradgrind took no heed of these trivialities of course, but passed on as a practical man ought to pass on, either brushing the noisy insects from his thoughts, or consigning them to the House of Correction.

-- If father was determined to make me either a Prig or a Mule, and I am not a Prig, why, it stands to reason, I must be a Mule.

-- Since you have done my wife and myself the honour of drinking our healths and happiness, I suppose I must acknowledge the same; though, as you all know me, and know what I am, and what my extraction was, you won't expect a speech from a man who, when he sees a Post, says "that's a Post," and when he sees a Pump, says "that's a Pump," and is not to be got to call a Post a Pump, or a Pump a Post, or either of them a Toothpick.

-- The bride, in passing down-stairs, dressed for her journey, found Tom waiting for her flushed, either with his feelings, or the vinous part of the breakfast.



-- We had nothing to fear either from savages or from wild beasts.

-- He must have been in expectation of one of two things; either that a vertical well was about to open under his feet, and thus allow him to continue his descent, or that some insurmountable obstacle would compel us to stop and go back by the road we had so long traveled.

-- I believe I was either half or wholly mad.

-- It must be either my uncle or the guide Hans!If, therefore, I could hear them, they must surely be able to hear me.

-- Its width it was impossible to make out; the shore, on either hand, widening rapidly until lost to sight; while its length was equally uncertain.



-- The two girls, therefore, were from an early age not the least daunted by either art or ideal politics.

-- It is curious what a subtle but unmistakable transmutation it makes, both in the body of men and women: the woman more blooming, more subtly rounded, her young angularities softened, and her expression either anxious or triumphant: the man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his buttocks less assertive, more hesitant.

-- Gulf impassable, and a quiet sort of resentment on either side.

-- In the flesh it was You leave me alone! on either side.

-- One has to be human, and have a heart and a penis if one is going to escape being either a god or a Bolshevist...for they are the same thing: they're both too good to be true.'



-- Either I shall go free, or I shall go to be made ready for shaving.

-- Nothing more was said on either side, though they both began walking to and fro, and necessarily crossed at every turn.

-- Father and Mother Meagles sat with their daughter between them, the last three on one side of the table: on the opposite side sat Mr Clennam; a tall French gentleman with raven hair and beard, of a swart and terrible, not to say genteelly diabolical aspect, but who had shown himself the mildest of men; and a handsome young Englishwoman, travelling quite alone, who had a proud observant face, and had either withdrawn herself from the rest or been avoided by the rest nobody, herself excepted perhaps, could have quite decided which.











