
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:11


mine是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为pron. (I的物主代词) 我的(东西) n. 矿v. 采矿,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away.

-- I wondered what those friends of mine would say who demanded vast studios, and vowed they could not work unless all the conditions were to their liking.

-- Because I was sorry for him, I had bought a couple of his pictures for small sums, and I had sent others to friends of mine in France.



-- But Pencroft, relieved by Neb, did so well, that towards four o'clock in the evening, the mine was finished.



-- She put her hand in mine as confidingly as if she had known me from her cradle, and we trudged away together; the little creature accommodating her pace to mine, and rather seeming to lead and take care of me than I to be protecting her.

-- Her quick eye seemed to read my thoughts, for as it met mine she added that there was no harm in what she had been doing, but it was a great secret a secret which she did not even know herself.

-- There's a friend of mine waiting outside, and as it seems that I may have to wait some time, I'll call him in, with your leave.'

-- There's an aunt of mine down in Dorsetshire that was going to die when I was eight years old, and hasn't kept her word yet.

-- This was the precious scheme to make your fortune, was it; this was the secret certain source of wealth in which I was to have sunk my money (if I had been the fool you took me for); this was your inexhaustible mine of gold, your El Dorado, eh?'



-- "That lawyer of mine was such a little fool.



-- 'I'm sure mine only works one way,' Alice remarked.



-- Here's this poor old innocent bird o' mine swearing blue fire, and none the wiser, you may lay to that.

-- "Then rest his soul for a true seaman!And as for you, John Silver, long you've been a mate of mine, but you're mate of mine no more.

-- Mine I had snatched from my knees and held over my head, by a sort of instinct.

-- We must both have cried out aloud when our eyes met, but while mine was the shrill cry of terror, his was a roar of fury like a charging bully's.



-- "But if they do not exist, mine obstinate harpooner, how explain the accident to the Scotia?"

-- "And mine too," simply said the harpooner.

-- "Your room adjoins mine," said he, opening a door, "and mine opens into the drawing-room that we have just quitted."

-- Captain Nemo pointed with his hand to the enormous heap of oysters; and I could well understand that this mine was inexhaustible, for Nature's creative power is far beyond man's instinct of destruction.

-- I cannot describe the effect of the voltaic rays upon the great blocks so capriciously cut; upon every angle, every ridge, every facet was thrown a different light, according to the nature of the veins running through the ice; a dazzling mine of gems, particularly of sapphires, their blue rays crossing with the green of the emerald.



-- Down the valley ran the colliery railway, linking mine with mine.

-- She kissed it fervently, and said: "I wonder what mine will be like.

-- I'll post yours here, mine after.



-- The fingers relaxed, I snatched mine through the hole, hurriedly piled the books up in a pyramid against it, and stopped my ears to exclude the lamentable prayer.









