
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:11


mine是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为pron. (I的物主代词) 我的(东西) n. 矿v. 采矿,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Write the names, Paganel, and put mine among them, and I hope the lot may fall on me."

-- In short, the train was laid, and the mine was ready to explode.

-- His temper and mine could not agree.



-- 'Mind it is, for it's the last thing of mine that I'll lose in this den of thieves.

-- Your family has lived with mine for over a hundred years under this roof, and here I find you deep in some dark plot against me.'

-- 'My difficulty is the more formidable of the two, for Ithink that we shall very shortly get an explanation of yours, while mine may remain forever a mystery.

-- 'That is in answer to mine of this morning.

-- 'There is an old tin mine on an island in the heart of the mire.



-- With the assistance of his mother-in-law, Sir John was not long in discovering that the name of Ferrars began with an F. and this prepared a future mine of raillery against the devoted Elinor, which nothing but the newness of their acquaintance with Edward could have prevented from being immediately sprung.

-- Mine is a misery which nothing can do away."

-- "No, no," cried Marianne, "misery such as mine has no pride.

-- But I don't think mine would be, to make one son independent, because another had plagued me."



-- The theatre, the halls, the parties, the ways of rest and the paths of song--these are mine in the night."

-- "Well, we will," he said, "just as soon as I get this little deal of mine closed up."

-- "An old acquaintance of mine that I ran into just as I was coming up from the station," explained Drouet.

-- He was more generally known than most others in the same circle, and was looked upon as some one whose reserve covered a mine of influence and solid financial prosperity.

-- "I think," he said, as he spruced around their chambers the next morning, preparatory to going down town, "that I'll straighten out that little deal of mine this month and then we'll get married.



-- I'd made up my mine 'bout what I's agwyne to do.

-- En mine you, de REAL pint is down furder it's down deeper.

-- Jim's eyes bugged out when he heard that; and I reckon mine did, too.

-- I doan' mine one er two kings, but dat's enough.

-- But this time I somehow got to talking to him about his wife and young ones; and by and by he says: 'What makes me feel so bad dis time 'uz bekase I hear sumpn over yonder on de bank like a whack, er a slam, while ago, en it mine me er de time I treat my little 'Liza-beth so ornery.



-- "You return mine and we'll be friends."

-- "Feel mine then and tell me if I have a fever."









