
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:08


land是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 陆地, 土地, 国家v. (使) 靠岸(登陆, 降落),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Making for the shore, two sailors and Captain Grant are about to land on the continent, where they will be taken prisoners by cruel Indians.

-- "If those poor creatures ever see their native land again, it is you they will have to thank for it."

-- On the 30th of August they sighted the Madeira group of islands, and Glenarvan, true to his promise, offered to put in there, and land his new guest.

-- Land was quite close now.

-- Think, my friends, of a continent, the margin of which, instead of the center, rose out of the waves originally like a gigantic ring, which encloses, perhaps, in its center, a sea partly evaporated, the waves of which are drying up daily; where humidity does not exist either in the air or in the soil; where the trees lose their bark every year, instead of their leaves; where the leaves present their sides to the sun and not their face, and consequently give no shade; where the wood is often incombustible, where good-sized stones are dissolved by the rain; where the forests are low and the grasses gigantic; where the animals are strange; where quadrupeds have beaks, like the echidna, or ornithorhynchus, and naturalists have been obliged to create a special order for them, called monotremes; where the kangaroos leap on unequal legs, and sheep have pigs' heads; where foxes fly about from tree to tree; where the swans are black; where rats make nests; where the bower-bird opens her reception-rooms to receive visits from her feathered friends; where the birds astonish the imagination by the variety of their notes and their aptness; where one bird serves for a clock, and another makes a sound like a postilion cracking of a whip, and a third imitates a knife-grinder, and a fourth the motion of a pendulum; where one laughs when the sun rises, and another cries when the sun sets!Oh, strange, illogical country, land of paradoxes and anomalies, if ever there was one on earth—the learned botanist Grimard was right when he said, ‘There is that Australia, a sort of parody, or rather a defiance of universal laws in the face of the rest of the world.'"



-- You know the lie of the land best.

-- Holmes sank to his waist as he stepped from the path to seize it, and had we not been there to drag him out he could never have set his foot upon firm land again.



-- I felt an ecstasy in being in my native land once more; and one sunny morning I took up a pen and wrote her that letter, but why to HER, I don't quite know.

-- Because he has found land at last, the fatherland that he sought in vain before; and, because his soul is rejoiced to find it, he throws himself upon it and kisses it!Oh, it is not from vanity alone, it is not from feelings of vanity that Rus-sians become Atheists and Jesuits!But from spiritual thirst, from anguish of longing for higher things, for dry firm land, for foothold on a fatherland which they never believed in be-cause they never knew it.

-- He turned out to be neither count nor ex-ile at least, in the political sense of the word but had had to leave his native land owing to some rather dubious affair of the past.



-- But Juno said to Minerva, 'Alas, daughter of aegis-bearing Jove, unweariable, shall the Ar-gives fly home to their own land over the broad sea, and leave Priam and the Trojans the glory of still keeping Hel-en, for whose sake so many of the Achaeans have died at Troy, far from their homes?

-- He had not as yet laid a hand upon his ship, for he was grieved and sorry; so she went close up to him and said, 'Ulysses, noble son of Laertes, are you going to fling yourselves into your ships and be off home to your own land in this way?

-- Those again who held Pelasgic Argos, Alos, Alope, and Trachis; and those of Phthia and Hellas the land of fair wom-en, who were called Myrmidons, Hellenes, and Achaeans; these had fifty ships, over which Achilles was in command.

-- Thus marched the host like a consuming fire, and theearth groaned beneath them when the lord of thunder is angry and lashes the land about Typhoeus among the Ari-mi, where they say Typhoeus lies.

-- They that held Adresteia and the land of Apaesus, with Pityeia, and the high mountain of Tereia these were led by Adrestus and Amphius, whose breastplate was of linen.



-- I never asked where she came from in the beginning, out of the land of born fools, I guess.

-- He said the ship was bound to Hawaii, but that it had to land him first.



-- I made the land about a mile below, and been fooling along ever since, trying to get peo-ple to do something, but they said, 'What, in such a night and such a current?

-- Don't you try to land by your- self, or you'll smash everything to pieces.



-- After walking a half hour, he came to a small country called the Land of the Busy Bees.

-- CHAPTER 30 Pinocchio, instead of becoming a boy, runs away to the Land of Toys with his friend, Lamp-Wick.

-- "It is called the Land of Toys.

-- In the Land of Toys, every day, except Sunday, is a Saturday.

-- "But how does one spend the day in the Land of Toys?"








