
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:08


land是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 陆地, 土地, 国家v. (使) 靠岸(登陆, 降落),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- You are well on your way to the poor wronged gentleman, and, with a fair sea voyage, and a fair land journey, you will be soon at his dear side.'

-- His latent uneasiness had been, that bad aims were being worked out in his own unhappy land by bad instru-344 A tale of two citiesments, and that he who could not fail to know that he was better than they, was not there, trying to do something to stay bloodshed, and assert the claims of mercy and human-ity.

-- 'Do you think:' the uncomplaining eyes in which there is so much endurance, fill with tears, and the lips part a little 534 A tale of two citiesmore and tremble: 'that it will seem long to me, while I wait for her in the better land where I trust both you and I will be mercifully sheltered?'



-- Does she not show us she the queen in the land of enchantment her astounding dra-matic talent in all our dreams?

-- 'O warm spicy land of my birth,' sang the Canary bird; 'I will sing of thy dark-green bowers, of the calm bays where the pendent boughs kiss the surface of the water; I will sing of the rejoicing of all my brothers and sisters where the cac-tus grows in wanton luxuriance.'

-- They ran about with the mirror; and at last there was not a land or a person who was not represented distorted in the mirror.

-- And Gerda was so glad to be on dry land again; but she was rather afraid of the strange old woman.

-- What a blessed land that must be!You related so much, and I saw it all the while the rain was pouring down, and I standing there with the dust-box.



-- In addition to his farming, which called for special attention in spring, and in addition to reading, Levin had begun that winter a work on agriculture, the plan of which turned on taking into account the character of the laborer on the land as one of the unalterable data of the question, like the climate and the soil, and consequently deducing all the principles of scientific culture, not simply from the data of soil and climate, but from the data of soil, climate, and a certain unalterable character of the laborer.

-- On Thursday the wind dropped, and a thick gray fog brooded over the land as though hiding the mysteries of the transformations that were being wrought in nature.

-- And the ploughing of the further land to go on without a break so as to let it ripen lying fallow.

-- The further he rode, the happier he became, and plans for the land rose to his mind each better than the last; to plant all his fields with hedges along the southern borders, so that the snow should not lie under them; to divide them up into six fields of arable and three of pasture and hay; to build a cattle yard at the further end of the estate, and to dig a pond and to construct movable pens for the cattle as a means of manuring the land.

-- Konstantin Levin, whose presence was needed in the plough land and meadows, had come to take his brother in the trap.



-- Fix felt sure that Phileas Fogg would not land at Suez, but was really going on to Bombay.

-- Passepartout blamed the captain, the engineer, and the crew, and consigned all who were connected with the ship to the land where the pepper grows.

-- Land was not signalled until five o'clock on the morning of the 6th; the steamer was due on the 5th.



-- He knew that Duer was a tricky chemist, who neatly and swiftly completed the experiments demanded by the course and never ventured on original experiments which, leading him into a confused land of wondering, might bring him to glory or disaster.

-- I'm not doing a thing, he said, and if I don't have my Ph.D., then I won't be able to land a nice job teaching English in some swell school, and I'd better land one, too, because it doesn't look to poor Madeline as if anybody was going to marry her."

-- They crowd the smoking cars at night; they sit silent on benches in filthy stations; they know all the land yet of it they know nothing, because in a hundred cities they see only the employment agencies, the all-night lunches, the blind-pigs, the scabrous lodging-houses.

-- It looked out on breezy, stubbly waste land reaching to distant glittering railroad tracks.

-- The commonplace room shone with peculiar light; the vigorous weeds and rough grass of the waste land were radiant under the April sun, and sparrows were cheeping.



-- But as soon as I did land on this place, I soon got to know all your af-fairs all, all, brother, I know everything; Nastasya here will tell you.

-- Russians in general are broad in their ideas, Avdotya Romanovna, broad like their land and exceedingly disposed to the fantastic, the chaotic.

-- The land too was abandoned.








