
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:08


principle是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 原理, 原则; 主义, 信念,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'Of course there is a difference between a hundred roubles and two hundred and fifty, but in this case the principle is the main point, and that a hundred and fifty roubles are missing is only a side issue.



-- And I had hardly worked and thought about the matter six months before light came through one of the meshes suddenly blindingly!I found a general principle of pigments and refraction a formula, a geometrical expression involving four dimensions.



-- 'I like not the principle of the natives, which teaches them to submit without a struggle, in emergencies that ap-pear desperate,' he said, while busied in this employment; 'our own maxim, which says, 'while life remains there is hope', is more consoling, and better suited to a soldier's temperament.

-- Pages might yet be written to prove, from this illustrious example, the defects of human excellence; to show how easy it is for gen-erous sentiments, high courtesy, and chivalrous courage to lose their influence beneath the chilling blight of selfish-ness, and to exhibit to the world a man who was great in all the minor attributes of character, but who was found want-ing when it became necessary to prove how much principle is superior to policy.

-- said David, perceiving that with this assurance they were about to leave him; 'I am an unworthy and hum-ble follower of one who taught not the damnable principle of revenge.

-- 'There is a principle in that,' he said, 'different from the law of the woods; and yet it is fair and noble to reflect upon.'

-- The result of his experiment had answered all the expectations of his policy; for the Hurons were in no degree exempt from that governing principle of nature, which induces man to value his gifts precisely in the degree that they are appreciated by others.



-- As Frederick Trent himself, utterly regardless of his sister, had this object at heart, only second to the hope of gain, it seemed to him the more likely to be Quilp's main principle of action.

-- But here the constable interposed with the constitutional principle 'words be blowed;' observing that words were but spoon-meat for babes and sucklings, and that oaths were the food for strong men.

-- With deference to the better opinion of Mr Brass, and more particularly to the authority of his Great Ancestor, it may be doubted, with humility, whether the elevating principle laid down by the latter gentleman, and acted upon by his descendant, is always a prudent one, or attended in practice with the desired results.

-- The pony preserved his character for independence and principle down to the last moment of his life; which was an unusually long one, and caused him to be looked upon, indeed, as the very Old Parr of ponies.



-- These plants are self-propagated, and the principle of their existence is in the water, which upholds and nourishes them.



-- The unifying principle was the work in hand.

-- "The dominant principle has some rare antagonists."

-- It was this inhuman principle in the mechanism he wanted to construct that inspired Gerald with an almost religious exaltation.

-- It was the first great step in undoing, the first great phase of chaos, the substitution of the mechanical principle for the organic, the destruction of the organic purpose, the organic unity, and the subordination of every organic unit to the great mechanical purpose.

-- This was why her face looked like a beetle's: this was why the Egyptians worshipped the ball-rolling scarab: because of the principle of knowledge in dissolution and corruption.



-- I had, God knows, more sincerity than knowledge in all the methods I took for this poor creature's instruction, and must acknowledge, what I believe all that act upon the same principle will find, that in laying things open to him, I really informed and instructed myself in many things that either I did not know or had not fully considered before, but which occurred naturally to my mind upon searching into them, for the information of this poor savage; and I had more af-fection in my inquiry after things upon this occasion than ever I felt before: so that, whether this poor wild wretch was better for me or no, I had great reason to be thankful that ever he came to me; my grief sat lighter, upon me; my habi-tation grew comfortable to me beyond measure: and when I reflected that in this solitary life which I have been con-fined to, I had not only been moved to look up to heaven myself, and to seek the Hand that had brought me here, but was now to be made an instrument, under Providence, to save the life, and, for aught I knew, the soul of a poor sav-age, and bring him to the true knowledge of religion and of the Christian doctrine, that he might know Christ Jesus, in whom is life eternal; I say, when I reflected upon all these things, a secret joy ran through every part of My soul, and I frequently rejoiced that ever I was brought to this place, which I had so often thought the most dreadful of all afflic-tions that could possibly have befallen me.



-- He and I have been at times thrown a good deal together, while you have been wholly engrossed on the most affectionate principle by my mother.

-- She had little difficulty in understanding thus much of her rival's intentions, and while she was firmly resolved to act by her as every principle of honour and honesty directed, to combat her own affection for Edward and to see him as little as possible; she could not deny herself the comfort of endeavouring to convince Lucy that her heart was unwounded.

-- "She will be more hurt by it, for Robert always was her favourite. She will be more hurt by it, and on the same principle will forgive him much sooner."



-- Such a flowering out of a modest trade principle the world had never witnessed up to that time.



-- Hain't you got no principle at all?'




