principle是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 原理, 原则; 主义, 信念,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- But if you were free to-day, to-morrow, yesterday, can even I believe that you would choose a dowerless girl you who, in your very confidence with her, weigh everything by Gain: or, choos-ing her, if for a moment you were false enough to your one guiding principle to do so, do I not know that your repen-tance and regret would surely follow.
-- And Levin, to turn the conversation, explained to Darya Alexandrovna the theory of cow-keeping, based on the principle that the cow is simply a machine for the transformation of food into milk, and so on.
-- Alexey Alexandrovitch was in principle in favor of the publicity of legal proceedings, though for some higher official considerations he disliked the application of the principle in Russia, and disapproved of it, as far as he could disapprove of anything instituted by authority of the Emperor.
-- "But we take our stand on principle as the ideal," replied Pestsov in his mellow bass.
-- He was a believer, who was interested in religion primarily in its political aspect, and the new doctrine which ventured upon several new interpretations, just because it paved the way to discussion and analysis, was in principle disagreeable to him.
-- "Surely that's not a matter of principle too," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, smiling, as he felt about in the dark for his cap.
-- The principle of the centrifuge is that of the cream-separator.
-- He discovered an X Principle which dissolved chairs, tables, human beings.
-- She was ready for him with strong coffee, waiting on him silently, looking at him proudly, while he waved his arms, babbling: "Gottlieb better not talk any more about the importance of new observations!The X Principle may not just apply to staph.
-- He tried, elaborately, with many flasks and many reseedings, to determine whether the X Principle would perpetuate itself indefinitely, whether when it was transmitted from tube to new tube of bacteria it would reappear, whether, growing by cell-division automatically, it was veritably a germ, a sub-germ infecting germs.
-- When he was sure that the X Principle did reproduce itself indefinitely, so that in the tenth tube it grew to have as much effect as in the first, then he solemnly called on Gottlieb and laid before him his results, with his plans for further investigation.
-- If a man is a nice fellow, that's the only principle I go upon.
-- She could give way and accept a great deal even of what was contrary to her convictions, but there was a certain barrier fixed by honesty, principle and the deepest convictions which nothing would induce her to cross.
-- You wanted to avoid gratitude, I saw!And although I can-not, I confess, in principle sympathise with private charity, for it not only fails to eradicate the evil but even promotes it, yet I must admit that I saw your action with pleasure yes, yes, I like it.'
-- As I have grown older, Ithink I have had experience of some other houses doing businesson the principle of Spenlow and Jorkins!
-- In search of the principle on which jointsought to be roasted, to be roasted enough, and not too much, Imyself referred to the Cookery Book, and found it there establishedas the allowance of a quarter of an hour to every pound, and say aquarter over.
-- But the principle always failed us by some curiousfatality, and we never could hit any medium between redness andcinders.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Elton, indeed, shewed no unwillingness to mix, and be as agreeable as they could; but during the two whole hours that were spent on the hill, there seemed a principle of separation, between the other parties, too strong for any fine prospects, or any cold colla-tion, or any cheerful Mr. Weston, to remove.
-- He has had great faults, faults of inconsideration and thoughtlessness; and I am very much of his opinion in thinking him likely to be happier than he deserves: but still as he is, beyond a doubt, really attached to Miss Fairfax, and will soon, it may be hoped, have the advantage of being constantly with her, I am very ready to believe his character will improve, and acquire from hers the steadiness and delicacy of principle that it wants.
-- This circumstance, and the generally sleepy air of the whole prospect here, together with the animated and contrasting state of the reverse fa脙搂ade, suggested to the imagination that on the adaptation of the building for farming purposes the vital principle of the house had turned round inside its body to face the other way.
-- This was a practical application of the principle that a half-feigned and fictitious faith is better than no faith at all.
-- The shops thought it very natural that a man who, by importing direct from the producer, had daringly set aside the first great principle of provincial existence, namely that God made country villages to supply customers to county towns, should have confused ideas about the Decalogue.
-- Whence, I often asked myself, did the principle of life proceed?
-- He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle and at another as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike.