sorry是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 对不起, 抱歉的; 难过, 悔恨的; 使人伤心,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Just as you please; I'm sorry I can't spare ye a tablecloth for a mattress, and it's a plaguy rough board here" feeling of the knots and notches.
-- Now, Bildad, I am sorry to say, had the reputation of being an incorrigible old hunks, and in his sea-going days, a bitter, hard task-master.
-- Anyhow, it's all fixed and arranged a'ready; and some sailors or other must go with him, I suppose; as well these as any other men, God pity 'em!Morning to ye, shipmates, morning; the ineffable heavens bless ye; I'm sorry I stopped ye."
-- Let me make a clean breast of it here, and frankly admit that I kept but sorry guard.
-- I'm sorry to throw cold water on the subject; but excuse me.
-- 'Yer know, Work'us,' continued Noah, emboldened by Oliver's silence, and speaking in a jeering tone of affected pity: of all tones the most annoying: 'Yer know, Work'us, it can't be helped now; and of course yer couldn't help it then; and I am very sorry for it; and I'm sure we all are, and pity yer very much.
-- 'I am very sorry if I have disturbed you, sir.'
-- 'Dear me, I am very sorry for that,' exclaimed Mr. Brownlow; 'I particularly wished those books to be returned to-night.'
-- It is worthy of remark, as illustrating the importance we attach to our own judgments, and the pride with which we put forth our most rash and hasty conclusions, that, although Mr. Grimwig was not by any means a bad-hearted man, and though he would have been unfeignedly sorry to see his respected friend duped and deceived, he really did most earnestly and strongly hope at that moment, that Oliver Twist might not come back.
-- 'Well,' said the doctor, 'I am sorry to hear it, because you do that sort of thing admirably.
-- I'm sorry I hadn't a coat on, but then I had no idea who was knocking.
-- To tell the truth, he was sorry for what had happened, perhaps most for her sake.
-- But if you was to feel sorry you'd ever done it !'
-- 'Of the keeper!If that is what you call ruling classes, I'm sorry for you.'
-- 'O yes it does; I am sorry to see you so.'
-- 'Is he sorry not to be there now?'
-- 'I am sorry I haven't got anything for you,' said the milliner, shaking her head.
-- 'I am very sorry to hear you say so, Tip.
-- 'Not expecting this time that what you had found would answer very well, I am less surprised and sorry than I might have been, Tip.'
-- I didn't ask any questions, of course, but I felt so sorry for them and was rather glad I hadn't any wild brothers to do wicked things and disgrace the family.'
-- So they agreed to stop complaining, to en-joy the blessings already possessed, and try to deserve them, lest they should be taken away entirely, instead of increased, and I believe they were never disappointed or sorry that they took the old woman's advice.'
-- I am sorry this has happened, but I never allow my rules to be infringed, and I never break my word.
-- 'I am not sorry you lost them, for you broke the rules, and deserved some punishment for disobedience,' was the severe reply, which rather disappointed the young lady, who expected nothing but sympathy.
-- Just as the party was setting out, Amy called over the banisters in a threatening tone, 'You'll be sorry for this, Jo March, see if you ain't.'