
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:08


sorry是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 对不起, 抱歉的; 难过, 悔恨的; 使人伤心,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'I am sorry for him; I couldn't be angry with him if I tried.

-- 'I am heartily sorry for it, Mr Cratchit,' he said,' and heartily sorry for your good wife.'



-- 'I am deeply sorry to have been the cause of it.

-- 'I assure you,' returned Mr. Stryver, in the friendliest way, 'that I am sorry for it on your account, and sorry for it on the poor father's account.

-- In an unselfish aspect, I am sorry that the thing is dropped, be-cause it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldly point of view; in a selfish aspect, I am glad that the thing has dropped, because it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldly point of view it is hardly necessary to say I could have gained nothing by it.

-- Even when golden hair, like her own, lay in a halo on a pillow round the worn face of a little boy, and he said, with a radiant smile, 'Dear papa and mamma, I am very sorry to leave you both, and to leave my pretty sister; but I am called, and I must go!'

-- 'I am sorry for it.'



-- 'I could not be in peace!It is true, I was al-ways a fine starched-up gentleman!I had both a boot-jack and a hair-comb, which I never used!You should have seen me then, you should have seen me when I lay down!I shall never forget MY FIRST LOVE she was a girdle, so fine, so soft, and so charming, she threw herself into a tub of water for my sake!There was also a widow, who became glowing hot, but I left her standing till she got black again; there was also the first opera dancer, she gave me that cut which I now go with, she was so ferocious!My own hair-comb was in love with me, she lost all her teeth from the heart-ache; yes, I have lived to see much of that sort of thing; but I am ex-tremely sorry for the garter I mean the girdle that went into the water-tub.



-- But he felt all the difficulty of his position and was sorry for his wife, his children, and himself.

-- He listened to her hard, heavy breathing, and he was unutterably sorry for her.

-- "I am sorry I told you," said Sergey Ivanovitch, shaking his head at his younger brother's excitement.

-- And she felt so sorry for him that tears came into her eyes.

-- He's been so long in love, and I'm very sorry for him."



-- They were going to Dover; good!To Calais; good again!After all, Passepartout, who had been away from France five years, would not be sorry to set foot on his native soil again.

-- Fix," replied the consul, "I shall not be sorry to see the rascal's face; but perhaps he won't come here that is, if he is the person you suppose him to be.

-- "I am sorry to have nothing better to offer you," said Mr. Fogg to Fix, who bowed without responding.



-- I'm sorry I was fresh.

-- I thought you were awfully nice, and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but you did seem so young for a doctor."

-- I've been so sorry you couldn't come 'round, this week.

-- Her confidence in him, the affection of this uprooted old woman bewildered in a strange land, overcame him; he lost all his whisky- colored feeling that he was a nimble fellow, and in a melancholy way, with all the weight of life again upon him, he sighed that no, nothing had happened, but he'd forgotten to tell Madeline something--so shor--so sorry call so late--could he speak Mad just minute-- Then Madeline was bubbling, "Why, Marty dear, what is it?

-- "Dear, I'm sorry for you.



-- Are you sorry for me, sir, or not?

-- Tell me, sir, are you sorry or not?

-- It made me ill, but Dounia bore it better than I did, and if only you could have seen how she endured it all and tried to comfort me and cheer me up!She is an angel!But by God's mercy, our sufferings were cut short: Mr. Svidriga脙炉lov returned to his senses and repented and, probably feeling sorry for Dounia, he laid before Marfa Petrovna a complete and unmistakable proof of Dounia's innocence, in the form of a letter Dounia had been forced to write and give to him, before Marfa Petrovna came upon them in the garden.









