according是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 按照, 据说,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Dirk Stroeve was one of those persons whom, according to your character, you cannot think of without derisive laughter or an embarrassed shrug of the shoulders.
-- Tahiti is a lofty green island, with deep folds of a darker green, in which you divine silent valleys; there is mystery in their sombre depths, down which murmur and plash cool streams, and you feel that in those umbrageous places life from immemorial times has been led according to immemorial ways.
-- Strickland, according to Captain Nichols, did not use exactly the words I have given, but since this book is meant for family reading I have thought it better, at the expense of truth, to put into his mouth expressions familiar to the domestic circle.
-- According to the gracious custom of the island, presents were given me by the persons with whom I had been thrown in contact baskets made of the leaves of the cocoa-nut tree, mats of pandanus, fans; and Tiare gave me three little pearls and three jars of guava-jelly made with her own plump hands.
-- However, according to Pencroft's advice, it appeared best to wait a few days before commencing an exploration.
-- According to him, Neb's delay was ca used by some new circumstances which had induced him to prolong his search.
-- Certainly, the movement which he and Neb exhibited, if it had been transformed into heat, according to the new theory, would have been enough to heat the boiler of a steamer!It came to nothing.
-- Great blocks of that basalt, which, according to Bischof, takes three hundred and fifty millions of years to cool, strewed the plain, very confused in some places.
-- The engineer had decided, as has been said, to operate near the veins both of coal and ore. Now, according to his observations, these veins were situated at the foot of the northeast spurs of Mount Franklin, that is to say, a distance of six miles from their home.
-- Mrs Quilp departed according to order, and her amiable husband, ensconcing himself behind the partly opened door, and applying his ear close to it, began to listen with a face of great craftiness and attention.
-- Then the entertainment began as soon as might be; Mr Codlin having the responsibility of deciding on its length and of protracting or expediting the time for the hero's final triumph over the enemy of mankind, according as he judged that the after-crop of half-pence would be plentiful or scant.
-- After passing and repassing the carriage on the road, and being passed and repassed by it sundry times in the course of the night, according as their stoppages were longer or shorter; or their rate of travelling varied, they reached the town almost together.
-- New York Street & Smith, Publishers 238 William Street Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1900 By Street & Smith In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C. "Then came Peter to Him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?
-- The smile on Agrippina's face signified that the letter came from Princess Korchagin, whom, according to Agrippina Petrovna, he was to marry.
-- Their rights, according to him, consisted in that they were allowed to question prisoners, through the presiding justice; they might keep pencils and paper, and might also view exhibits.
-- All those women who, according to his view, could not be considered as likely to become his wife, were to him not women, but people.
-- To live according to the faith that was in him was burdensome; every question would have to be decided almost always against his animal ego, which was seeking light pleasures; but reposing his faith in others, there remained nothing to decide, everything having been decided, and decided always against the spiritual and in favor of the animal ego.
-- I had seen the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man, Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like a very different creature, according to me, from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord.
-- There had come many from the north seven by the squire's computation, eight or nine according to Gray.
-- All of us had an ample share of the treasure and used it wisely or foolishly, according to our natures.
-- "Indeed, the narwhal is armed with a sort of ivory sword, a halberd, according to the expression of certain naturalists.
-- When I wanted to find out the necessary increase of weight required to sink the Nautilus, I had only to calculate the reduction of volume that sea-water acquires according to the depth."
-- If slanted, the Nautilus, according to this inclination, and under the influence of the screw, either sinks diagonally or rises diagonally as it suits me.
-- Conseil came, according to custom, to know "how I passed the night," and to offer his services.