according是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 按照, 据说,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- According to the im-memorial usage of waiters in all ages.
-- The rough, irregular stones of the street, pointing every way, and designed, one might have thought, expressly to lame all living creatures that approached them, had dammed it into little pools; these were surrounded, each by its own jostling group or crowd, according to its size.
-- Whatever gloss the various spectators put upon the interest, according to their several arts and powers of self-deceit, the interest was, at the root of it, Ogreish.
-- The water of the fountain ran, the swift river ran, the day ran into evening, so much life in the city ran into death according to rule, time and tide waited for no man, the rats were sleeping close together in their dark holes again, the Fancy Ball was lighted up at supper, all things ran their course.
-- Expressive sips of what made them poor, were not wanting; the tax for the state, the tax for the church, the tax for the lord, tax local and tax general, were to be paid here and to be paid there, according to sol-emn inscription in the little village, until the wonder was, that there was any village left unswallowed.
-- 'Oh no,' answered the Councillor, 'I can only join in con-versation on this topic and on that, as indeed one must do according to the demands of the world at present.'
-- There were more than a hundred halls there, according as the snow was driven by the winds.
-- 'One must dress according to the weather,' said she.
-- But he (he knew very well how he must appear to others) was a country gentleman, occupied in breeding cattle, shooting game, and building barns; in other words, a fellow of no ability, who had not turned out well, and who was doing just what, according to the ideas of the world, is done by people fit for nothing else.
-- The Tatar, recollecting that it was Stepan Arkadyevitch's way not to call the dishes by the names in the French bill of fare, did not repeat them after him, but could not resist rehearsing the whole menus to himself according to the bill:--"Soupe printaniere, turbot, sauce Beaumarchais, poulard a l'estragon, macedoine de fruits...etc.," and then instantly, as though worked by springs, laying down one bound bill of fare, he took up another, the list of wines, and submitted it to Stepan Arkadyevitch.
-- "The one comfort is like that prayer, which I always liked: 'Forgive me not according to my unworthiness, but according to Thy lovingkindness.'
-- Jealousy according to his notions was an insult to one's wife, and one ought to have confidence in one's wife.
-- He sent for the carpenter, who, according to his orders, ought to have been at work at the thrashing machine.
-- At exactly half-past eleven Mr. Fogg would, according to his daily habit, quit Saville Row, and repair to the Reform.
-- Passepartout, who had conscientiously studied the programme of his duties, was more than surprised to see his master guilty of the inexactness of appearing at this unaccustomed hour; for, according to rule, he was not due in Saville Row until precisely midnight.
-- As he passed among the busy crowd, Fix, according to habit, scrutinised the passers-by with a keen, rapid glance.
-- The visa procured, Mr. Fogg returned on board to resume his former habits; while Passepartout, according to custom, sauntered about among the mixed population of Somalis, Banyans, Parsees, Jews, Arabs, and Europeans who comprise the twenty-five thousand inhabitants of Aden.
-- But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects; he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics.
-- said Martin, according to the rules for amorous discourse in the University of Winnemac.
-- He estimated that according to Pickerbaugh's figures on bad teeth, careless motoring, tuberculosis, and seven other afflictions alone, every person in the city had a one hundred and eighty per cent chance of dying before the age of sixteen and he could not startle with much alarm when Pickerbaugh shouted, "Do you realize that the number of people who died from yaws in Pickens County, Mississippi, last year alone, was twenty-nine and that they might all have been saved, yes, sir, SAVED, by a daily cold shower?"
-- One must cut one's coat according to one's cloth, but what about you, Mr. Luzhin?
-- It was his conviction that this eclipse of reason and failure of will power attacked a man like a disease, devel-oped gradually and reached its highest point just before the perpetration of the crime, continued with equal violence at the moment of the crime and for longer or shorter time after, according to the individual case, and then passed off like any other disease.
-- The creditor is at liberty to sell your property, and proceed against you according to the law.'
-- According to his observations the patient's illness was due partly to his unfortunate material surroundings during the last few months, but it had partly also a moral origin, 'was, so to speak, the product of sever-al material and moral influences, anxieties, apprehensions, troubles, certain ideas 芒聙娄 and so on.'