its是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为pron. 它的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land.
-- But though the picture lies thus tranced, and though this pine-tree shakes down its sighs like leaves upon this shepherd's head, yet all were vain, unless the shepherd's eye were fixed upon the magic stream before him.
-- On one side hung a very large oilpainting so thoroughly besmoked, and every way defaced, that in the unequal crosslights by which you viewed it, it was only by diligent study and a series of systematic visits to it, and careful inquiry of the neighbors, that you could any way arrive at an understanding of its purpose.
-- The picture represents a Cape-Horner in a great hurricane; the half-foundered ship weltering there with its three dismantled masts alone visible; and an exasperated whale, purposing to spring clean over the craft, is in the enormous act of impaling himself upon the three mast-heads.
-- When the revelry of his companions had mounted to its height, this man slipped away unobserved, and I saw no more of him till he became my comrade on the sea.
-- Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother's prospects failed in producing its due effect.
-- She imprinted her cold white lips passionately on its forehead; passed her hands over her face; gazed wildly round; shuddered; fell back--and died.
-- Sevenpence-halfpenny's worth per week is a good round diet for a child; a great deal may be got for sevenpence-halfpenny, quite enough to overload its stomach, and make it uncomfortable.
-- He only cried bitterly all day; and, when the long, dismal night came on, spread his little hands before his eyes to shut out the darkness, and crouching in the corner, tried to sleep: ever and anon waking with a start and tremble, and drawing himself closer and closer to the wall, as if to feel even its cold hard surface were a protection in the gloom and loneliness which surrounded him.
-- 'Well, well,' said Mr. Bumble, 'every trade has its drawbacks.
-- The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.
-- He did look at it, and into it for half-an-hour was pleased with the situa-tion and the principal rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately.
-- As yet, she cannot even be certain of the degree of her own regard nor of its reason-ableness.
-- 'Yes, and her petticoat; I hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud, I am absolutely certain; and the gown which had been let down to hide it not doing its office.'
-- The note was immediately dispatched, and its contents as quickly complied with.
-- Like a well, like a vault, like a tomb, the prison had no knowledge of the brightness outside, and would have kept its polluted atmosphere intact in one of the spice islands of the Indian ocean.
-- He had a hook nose, handsome after its kind, but too high between the eyes by probably just as much as his eyes were too near to one another.
-- For the rest, he was large and tall in frame, had thin lips, where his thick moustache showed them at all, and a quantity of dry hair, of no definable colour, in its shaggy state, but shot with red.
-- The apartment of the jailer and his keys is where I put this thumb; and here at my wrist they keep the national razor in its case the guillotine locked up.'
-- So you must try to be contented with making your name boyish, and playing brother to us girls,' said Beth, stroking the rough head with a hand that all the dish washing and dusting in the world could not make ungentle in its touch.
-- 'Don't I wish I could go as a drummer, a vivan what's its name?
-- A soft strain of music sounded, and then at the back of the cave appeared a little figure in cloudy white, with glit-tering wings, golden hair, and a garland of roses on its head.
-- Take the magic spell, And use it well, Or its power will vanish soon!
-- 'I can't have a carriage without its costing ever so much.