progress是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 进步, 进展; 前进v. 进步, 进展; 前进,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The message concluded with the news that at the moment of the bearer's departure there was a great confabulation in progress as to which diamonds were to be worn, and how.
-- Rogojin was very quiet dur-ing the progress of the trial.
-- But under the influence of their degraded fortunes, both officers and men appeared better disposed to await the ap-proach of their formidable antagonists, within their works, than to resist the progress of their march, by emulating the successful example of the French at Fort du Quesne, and striking a blow on their advance.
-- Here their progress was less interrupted; and the instant the guide perceived that the females could com-mand their steeds, he moved on, at a pace between a trot and a walk, and at a rate which kept the surefooted and pe-culiar animals they rode at a fast yet easy amble.
-- During the foregoing address the progress of the speaker was too plainly read by those most interested in his success through the medium of the countenances of the men he addressed.
-- Bold and rapid as was the progress of the scout, it was exceeded by that of a light and vigorous form which, bounding past him, leaped, with incredible activity and daring, into the very center of the Hurons, where it stood, whirling a tomahawk, and flourishing a glittering knife, with fearful menaces, in front of Cora.
-- The route was now painful; lying over ground ragged with rocks, and intersected with ravines, and their progress proportionately slow.
-- To give my story coherence I should describe the progress of their tragic union, but I know nothing of the three months during which they lived together.
-- Nor did the striking of the clocks, hour after hour, appear to inspire him with any sense of drowsiness or any natural desire to go to rest, but rather to increase his wakefulness, which he showed, at every such indication of the progress of the night, by a suppressed cackling in his throat, and a motion of his shoulders, like one who laughs heartily but the same time slyly and by stealth.
-- I shall remember it,' he had no excuse for dwelling on the subject any further, and so took a friendly leave with many expressions of good-will and many compliments to his friend on his looking so remarkably well; and went below stairs to report progress to Mr Brass.
-- The meal finished, Nell assisted to wash the cups and saucers, and put them in their proper places, and these household duties performed, Mrs Jarley arrayed herself in an exceedingly bright shawl for the purpose of making a progress through the streets of the town.
-- The child sat by, and watched its progress with a troubled mind.
-- He was a little surprised to perceive that the bumping sounds were occasioned by the progress up-stairs of the single gentleman's trunk, which, being nearly twice as wide as the staircase, and exceedingly heavy withal, it was no easy matter for the united exertions of the single gentleman and the coachman to convey up the steep ascent.
-- I made what progress I could in the language, and in addition I pushed my explorations here and there.
-- Thus loaded, our progress was slower than I had anticipated, and besides Weena was tired.
-- Kitty sat very demurely on her knee, pretending to watch the progress of the winding, and now and then putting out one paw and gently touching the ball, as if it would be glad to help, if it might.
-- Progress is slow, M.
-- It is a faithful narrative of this incredible expedition in an element inaccessible to man, but to which Progress will one day open a road.
-- No one could put her down, no one could make mock of her, because she stood among the first, and those that were against her were below her, either in rank, or in wealth, or in high association of thought and progress and understanding.
-- Both wore light, gay summer dresses, Ursula had an orange-coloured knitted coat, Gudrun a pale yellow, Ursula wore canary yellow stockings, Gudrun bright rose, the figures of the two women seemed to glitter in progress over the wide bay of the railway crossing, white and orange and yellow and rose glittering in motion across a hot world silted with coal-dust.
-- Sometimes," said Hermione, again stopping arrested in her progress and turning to Ursula, "sometimes I wonder if I ought to submit to all this realisation, if I am not being weak in rejecting it.