
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:05


progress是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 进步, 进展; 前进v. 进步, 进展; 前进,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- She had always wanted to do every thing, and had made more progress both in drawing and music than many might have done with so little labour as she would ever submit to.

-- The same civilities and courtesies, the same success and satisfaction, took place on the morrow, and accompanied the whole progress of the picture, which was rapid and hap-py.

-- Time, she knew, must be allowed for this being thorough-ly done; and she could suppose herself but an indifferent judge of such matters in general, and very inadequate to sympathise in an attachment to Mr. Elton in particular; but it seemed to her reasonable that at Harriet's age, and with the entire extinction of all hope, such a progress might be made towards a state of composure by the time of Mr. Elton's return, as to allow them all to meet again in the common routine of acquaintance, without any danger of betraying sentiments or increasing them.

-- The charming Augusta Hawkins, in addition to all the 220 Emmausual advantages of perfect beauty and merit, was in pos-session of an independent fortune, of so many thousands as would always be called ten; a point of some dignity, as well as some convenience: the story told well; he had not thrown himself away he had gained a woman of 10,000 l. or thereabouts; and he had gained her with such delightful rapidity the first hour of introduction had been so very soon followed by distinguishing notice; the history which he had to give Mrs. Cole of the rise and progress of the af-fair was so glorious the steps so quick, from the accidental rencontre, to the dinner at Mr. Green's, and the party at Mrs. Brown's smiles and blushes rising in importance with consciousness and agitation richly scattered the lady had been so easily impressed so sweetly disposed had in short, to use a most intelligible phrase, been so very ready to have him, that vanity and prudence were equally con-tented.

-- But, on the other hand, she could not admit herself to be unhappy, nor, after the first morning, to be less disposed for employment than usual; she was still busy and cheerful; and, pleasing as he was, she could yet imagine him to have faults; and farther, though thinking of him so much, and, as she sat drawing or working, forming a thousand amus-ing schemes for the progress and close of their attachment, fancying interesting dialogues, and inventing elegant let-ters; the conclusion of every imaginary declaration on his side was that she refused him.



-- The poetry of motion is a phrase much in use, and to enjoy the epic form of that gratification it is necessary to stand on a hill at a small hour of the night, and, having first expanded with a sense of difference from the mass of civilised mankind, who are dreamwrapt and disregardful of all such proceedings at this time, long and quietly watch your stately progress through the stars.

-- The first movement in his new progress was the lambing of his ewes, and sheep having been his speciality from his youth, he wisely refrained from deputing the task of tending them at this season to a hireling or a novice.

-- Gabriel's energies, patience, and industry had been so severely taxed during the years of his life between eighteen and eight-and-twenty, to reach his present stage of progress that no more seemed to be left in him.

-- During the progress of this dialogue there was a nervous twitching of Boldwood's tightly closed lips, and his face became bathed in a clammy dew.

-- Their progress was necessarily very slow.



-- Civilization, like the car of Juggernaut, is scarcely stayed perceptibly in its progress by a heart less easy to break than the others that lie in its course; this also is broken, and Civilization continues on her course triumphant.

-- It would be impossible to give an idea of the old, rotten, shaky, cranky, worm-eaten, halt, maimed, one-eyed, rickety, and ramshackle condition of the furniture without an exhaustive description, which would delay the progress of the story to an extent that impatient people would not pardon.

-- Dramas brought to a close or still in progress are foreshadowed by the sight of such actors as these, not the dramas that are played before the footlights and against a background of painted canvas, but dumb dramas of life, frost-bound dramas that sere hearts like fire, dramas that do not end with the actors' lives.

-- "Imagine, too, that I had just made some progress with the Comte de Restaud; for I should tell you, madame," he went on, turning to the Duchess with a mixture of humility and malice in his manner, "that as yet I am only a poor devil of a student, very much alone in the world, and very poor----" "You should not tell us that, M. de Rastignac.



-- We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes until he was lost among the distant inequali-14 Frankensteinties of the ice.

-- I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curios-ity and delight.

-- He asked me several questions con-cerning my progress in the different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.

-- As I applied so closely, it may be easily conceived that my progress was rapid.

-- Now I was led to examine the cause and progress of this decay and forced to spend days and nights in vaults and charnel-houses.



-- Their progress was slower now, for from porches and gardensand sidewalks ladies called to her.

-- Scarlett, though filled with the universal Southern desire tobelieve only the pleasantest and most reassuring things about the progress of the fighting, felt cold as she watched themotley ranks go by.



-- We had made some progress in the dinner, when I reminded Herbert of his promise to tell me about Miss Havisham.

-- In this progress I was much annoyed by the abject Pumblechook, who, being behind me, persisted all the way as a delicate attention in arranging my streaming hatband, and smoothing my cloak.

-- As I stood compassionating her, and thinking how, in the progress of time, I too had come to be a part of the wrecked fortunes of that house, her eyes rested on me.






