
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:04


repetition是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 重复,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- To and fro, up and down, north, south, east, and west, the Hispaniola sailed by swoops and dashes, and at each repetition ended as she had begun, with idly flapping canvas.

-- 29 The Black Spot AgainHE council of buccaneers had lasted some time, when one of them re-entered the house, and with a repetition of the same salute, which had in my eyes an ironical air, begged for a moment's loan of the torch.



-- He evidently wished no repetition of my intrusion.

-- 'I'll walk in the yard till daylight, and then I'll be off; and you need not dread a repetition of my intrusion.



-- On every side, and far as the eye could see into the heavy distance, tall chimneys, crowding on each other, and presenting that endless repetition of the same dull, ugly form, which is the horror of oppressive dreams, poured out their plague of smoke, obscured the light, and made foul the melancholy air.

-- The second or third repetition of his name attracted the old man's attention.

-- Mr Quilp was certainly entertaining himself with vocal exercise, but it was rather a kind of chant than a song; being a monotonous repetition of one sentence in a very rapid manner, with a long stress upon the last word, which he swelled into a dismal roar.

-- And with every repetition of the question, he battered the great image, until the perspiration streamed down his face with the violence of the exercise.

-- In short, Kit's gentleman can get nothing out of her but a repetition of what she has said before (only a little stronger this time, as against his client), and therefore lets her go, in some confusion.



-- But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.

-- And for this fight with matter, one must have perfect instruments in perfect organisation, a mechanism so subtle and harmonious in its workings that it represents the single mind of man, and by its relentless repetition of given movement, will accomplish a purpose irresistibly, inhumanly.

-- And between these he could establish the very expression of his will, the incarnation of his power, a great and perfect machine, a system, an activity of pure order, pure mechanical repetition, repetition ad infinitum, hence eternal and infinite.

-- He found his eternal and his infinite in the pure machine-principle of perfect co-ordination into one pure, complex, infinitely repeated motion, like the spinning of a wheel; but a productive spinning, as the revolving of the universe may be called a productive spinning, a productive repetition through eternity, to infinity.

-- And this is the God-motion, this productive repetition ad infinitum.



-- One fierce and wild-looking warrior approached the chief, bearing a load of the brush, and pointing exultingly to the deep red stains with which it was sprinkled, uttered his joy in Indian yells, whose meaning Heyward was only enabled to comprehend by the frequent repetition of the name 'La Longue Cara-bine!'

-- You have heard from Major Heyward ' Magua shook his head, forbidding the repetition of of-fers he so much despised.

-- When he had taken this precaution, the scout placed himself in an attitude of intense attention and listened long and keenly for a repetition of the low sound that had so unexpectedly startled him.

-- The star-tling sounds that Duncan had heard were what the whites have not inappropriately called the 'death-hallo"; and each repetition of the cry was intended to announce to the tribe the fate of an enemy.




