question是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 问题; 询问v. 询问; 怀疑, 对…表示疑问,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- demanded Tom, pouring question upon question with great volubility.
-- 'It's a simple question of identity, you will observe,' said the doctor.
-- Now, the question is, whether these men are justified by the fact; if not, in what situation do they place themselves?'
-- 'Your plan is a good one,' replied Elizabeth, 'where noth-ing is in question but the desire of being well married, and if I were determined to get a rich husband, or any husband, I dare say I should adopt it.
-- 'That is a question which Mr. Darcy only can answer.'
-- 'That is exactly the question which I expected you to ask.
-- Jane listened with astonishment and concern; she knew not how to believe that Mr. Darcy could be so unworthy of Mr. Bingley's regard; and yet, it was not in her nature to question the veracity of a young man of such amiable appearance as Wickham.
-- At length however, the question was asked by her uncle; and she turned away with alarm, while Mrs. Reynolds replied that he was, adding, 'But we expect him to-morrow, with a large party of friends.'
-- But it is impossible to describe the horrid noises, and hideous cries and howlings that were raised, as well upon the edge of the shore as higher within the country, upon the noise or report of the gun, a thing I have some reason to believe those creatures had never heard before: this con-vinced me that there was no going on shore for us in the night on that coast, and how to venture on shore in the day was another question too; for to have fallen into the hands of any of the savages had been as bad as to have fallen into the hands of the lions and tigers; at least we were equally ap-prehensive of the danger of it.
-- It happened, being in company with some merchants and planters of my acquaintance, and talking of those things very earnestly, three of them came to me next morn-ing, and told me they had been musing very much upon what I had discoursed with them of the last night, and they came to make a secret proposal to me; and, after enjoining me to secrecy, they told me that they had a mind to fit out a ship to go to Guinea; that they had all plantations as well as I, and were straitened for nothing so much as servants; that as it was a trade that could not be carried on, because they could not publicly sell the negroes when they came home, so they desired to make but one voyage, to bring the negroes on shore privately, and divide them among their own plantations; and, in a word, the question was whether I would go their supercargo in the ship, to manage the trad-ing part upon the coast of Guinea; and they offered me that I should have my equal share of the negroes, without pro-viding any part of the stock.
-- I felled a cedar-tree, and I question much whether Solomon ever had such a one for the building of the Temple of Jerusalem; it was five feet ten inches diameter at the lower part next the stump, and four feet eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty-two feet; after which it lessened for a while, and then parted into branches.
-- Na-ture assisted all my arguments to evidence to him even the necessity of a great First Cause, an overruling, governing Power, a secret directing Providence, and of the equity and justice of paying homage to Him that made us, and the like; but there appeared nothing of this kind in the notion of an evil spirit, of his origin, his being, his nature, and above all, of his inclination to do evil, and to draw us in to do so too; and the poor creature puzzled me once in such a manner, by a question merely natural and innocent, that I scarce knew what to say to him.
-- How they were to have done this, when I knew they had neither pen nor ink, was a question which we never asked.
-- "There is no knowing what THEY may expect," said the lady, "but we are not to think of their expectations: the question is, what you can afford to do."
-- Encouraged by this to a further examination of his opinions, she proceeded to question him on the subject of books; her favourite authors were brought forward and dwelt upon with so rapturous a delight, that any young man of five and twenty must have been insensible indeed, not to become an immediate convert to the excellence of such works, however disregarded before.
-- "I have only to add, my dear Willoughby, that at Barton cottage you will always be welcome; for I will not press you to return here immediately, because you only can judge how far THAT might be pleasing to Mrs. Smith; and on this head I shall be no more disposed to question your judgment than to doubt your inclination."
-- From you, her mother, and so kind, so indulgent a mother, the question could not give offence.
-- "I would not ask such a question for the world.
-- Chapter III WEE QUESTION OF FORTUNE--FOUR-FIFTY A WEEK Once across the river and into the wholesale district, she glanced about her for some likely door at which to apply.
-- Her decision to hunt for work was moderately strong, but the money in her pocket, after all her troubling over it, made the work question the least shade less terrible.
-- He had done so in regard to the very evening in question only the morning before.
-- But he would not think much upon the question of why he did so.
-- The races in question were soon to open at Washington Park, on the South Side, and were considered quite society affairs among those who did not affect religious rectitude and conservatism.
-- Ther' ain't no question 'bout it in MY mind.