
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:03


question是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 问题; 询问v. 询问; 怀疑, 对…表示疑问,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- In long hours of increasing frankness and lucidity he discussed with Leora the question of "What is this Martin Arrowsmith and whither is he going?"



-- Allow me to ask you another question out of simple curiosity: have you ever spent a night on a hay barge, on the Neva?'

-- 'Why am I not at my duty, honoured sir,' Marmeladov went on, addressing himself exclusively to Raskolnikov, as though it had been he who put that question to him.

-- The es-sential question was settled, and irrevocably settled, in his mind: 'Never such a marriage while I am alive and Mr. Lu-zhin be damned!'

-- 'There can be no question of love,' mother writes.

-- Do you understand that the Luzhin smartness is just the same 68 Crime and Punishmentthing as Sonia's and may be worse, viler, baser, because in your case, Dounia, it's a bargain for luxuries, after all, but with Sonia it's simply a question of starvation.



-- said I, putting question number two of the catechismto Mr. Peggotty.

-- But if he had askedthe question twenty times, each time with twenty blows, I believemy baby heart would have burst before I would have told him so.

-- Steerforth evaded the question for a little while; looking in scornand anger on his opponent, and remaining silent.

-- As I could hardly hope for a more favourable opportunity ofputting a question in which I had a near interest, I said to Mrs.Micawber'May I ask, ma'am, what you and Mr. Micawber intendto do, now that Mr. Micawber is out of his difficulties, and atliberty?

-- Now, here you see young David Copperfield,and the question I put to you is, what shall I do with him?'



-- I have a great regard for you and Emma; but when it comes to the question of depen-dence or independence! At any rate, it must be better to 10 Emmahave only one to please than two.'

-- The next question was 'What sort of looking man is Mr.

-- He had frightened her a little about Mr. Elton; but when she considered that Mr. Knightley could not have observed him as she had done, neither with the interest, nor (she must be allowed to tell herself, in spite of Mr. Knightley's preten-sions) with the skill of such an observer on such a question as herself, that he had spoken it hastily and in anger, she was able to believe, that he had rather said what he wished resentfully to be true, than what he knew any thing about.

-- 'I cannot make a question, or listen to a question about that.

-- To walk by the side of this child, and talk to and question her, was the most natu-ral thing in the world, or would have been the most natural, had she been acting just then without design; and by this means the others were still able to keep ahead, without any obligation of waiting for her.



-- said the second woman, passing on the question to the nearest man in that direction.

-- The question of which was right being tacitly waived by the company, Jan went on meditatively: "And he's the fearfullest man, bain't ye, Joseph?

-- Well, he's turned out neck and crop, and my question is, who's going to be baily now?"

-- The question was such a profound one that Henery was obliged to drink there and then from the large cup till the bottom was distinctly visible inside.

-- "The question was perfectly fair," he returned and there was something incongruous in the serious earnestness with which he applied himself to an argument on a valentine.



-- The question strikes at the root of many a social injustice.

-- 莽卢卢35 茅隆碌 氓聟卤 142 茅隆碌 It was believed that the Duchess was desperately in love with M. de Montriveau, and that he was a faithless lover; she felt the question in her very heart, and her face flushed as she answered: "He was at the Elysee yesterday."



-- The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.










