thunder是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 雷, 雷声, 轰隆声,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- At certain intervals he fancied he could hear rumbling noises in the distance, dull and threatening like the mutter-ings of thunder before a storm.
-- "Let us go down," said Glenarvan; "the thunder will soon burst over us."
-- Holding his watch close to the insect, Paganel saw distinctly that the time was 10 P. M.On rejoining the Major and his three sailors, Glenarvan warned them of the approaching storm, and advised them to secure themselves in their beds of branches as firmly as possible, for there was no doubt that after the first clap of thunder the wind would become unchained, and the OMBU would be violently shaken.
-- The first peal of thunder found them wide awake.
-- For it is this tree especially, among all that grow in the Pampas, that the thunder has a particular affection for.
-- 'Now,' said Sir Henry Baskerville, 'perhaps you will tell me, Mr. Holmes, what in thunder is the meaning of that, and who it is that takes so much interest in my affairs?'
-- 'Why in thunder should anyone follow or watch me?'
-- The evening was very close; thunder was heard some way off.
-- Shouting on the foe he fell, And like thunder rang his war-cry O'er the cowering infi-del.
-- I dare swear she has had a good laugh at YOU before now!You were having a quiet talk just now, I observed, after all the thunder and lightning upstairs.
-- Thus masterfully did he go about among the host, and the people hurried back to the council from their tents and ships with a sound as the thunder of surf when it comes crashing down upon the shore, and all the sea is in an up-roar.
-- Thus marched the host like a consuming fire, and theearth groaned beneath them when the lord of thunder is angry and lashes the land about Typhoeus among the Ari-mi, where they say Typhoeus lies.
-- Thrice did he doubt, and thrice did Jove thunder from the heights of Ida in token to the Trojans that he would turn the battle in their favour.
-- Mighty was the uproar as the two forces met; the sea came rolling in towards the ships and tents of the Achaeans, but waves do not thunder on the shore more loudly when driven be-fore the blast of Boreas, nor do the flames of a forest fire roar more fiercely when it is well alight upon the moun-tains, nor does the wind bellow with ruder music as it tears on through the tops of when it is blowing its hardest, than the terrible shout which the Trojans and Achaeans raised as they sprang upon one another.
-- Now, however, he kept trying to break the ranks of the enemy wherever he could see them thickest, and in the goodliest armour; but do what he might he could not break through them, for they stood as a tower four-square, or as some high cliff rising from the grey sea that braves the anger of the gale, and of the waves that thunder up against it.
-- 'Listen, man-cub,' said the Bear, and his voice rumbled like thunder on a hot night.
-- Shere Khan heard the thunder of their hoofs, picked himself up, and lumbered down the ravine, looking from side to side for some way of escape, but the walls of the ravine were straight and he had to hold on, heavy with his dinner and his drink, willing to do anything rather than fight.
-- He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting' It would seem that the stock of the horse of Israel had descended to our own time; would it not, friend?'
-- The darkness of the impending cloud which precedes a burst of thunder was not blacker than the brow of Magua as he exclaimed: 'The Delawares of the Lakes!'
-- She called him the 'panther of his tribe"; and described him as one whose moccasin left no trail on the dews; whose bound was like the leap of a young fawn; whose eye was brighter than a star in the dark night; and whose voice, in battle, was loud as the thunder of the Manitou.
-- They set out accordingly about ten o'clock in the morning, Herbert confident, Neb joyous, Pencroft murmuring aside, "If, on my return, I find a fire at the house, I shall believe that the thunder itself came to light it."
-- When we was three-quarters of a mile below we hoisted up our signal lantern; and about ten o'clock it come on to rain and blow and thunder and lighten like ev-ery- thing; so the king told us to both stay on watch till the weather got better; then him and the duke crawled into the wigwam and turned in for the night.
-- Pinocchio was greatly afraid of thunder and lightning, but the hunger he felt was far greater than his fear.
-- The thunder was so noisy and the lightning so bright--and I was hungry.