betray是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 背叛, 泄漏, 暴露, 表现,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Her fi-delity turned in an instant to bitter hatred and he saw that she would betray him.
-- I only mentioned this, gentlemen, because it seemed so unnatural to me for a son to betray his mother's secret in such a way.
-- 'It was only out of generosity, madame,' he said in a reso-nant voice, 'and because I would not betray a friend in an awkward position, that I did not mention this revision be-fore; though you heard him yourself threatening to kick us down the steps.
-- Believe me, he would betray himself before five days were out; he would burst into tears, and make a clean breast of the matter; especially if managed with tact, and if you and his family watched his every step, so to speak.
-- All the rest hate me; and my brothers are the first to betray me in misfortune.'
-- You are come here to betray me.
-- "But if you betray me," he said, "if you fail to do as I direct you " He paused and tapped Mr. Marvel's shoulder smartly.
-- "I don't want to betray you," said Mr. Marvel, edging away from the direction of the fingers.
-- CHAPTER XXII IN THE EMPORIUM "So last January, with the beginning of a snowstorm in the air about me and if it settled on me it would betray me! weary, cold, painful, inexpressibly wretched, and still but half convinced of my invisible quality, I began this new life to which I am committed.
-- Because I was all but your brother in blood, I promise that when I am a man among men I will not betray ye to men as ye have betrayed me.'
-- If unsatisfied by the philosophy of his companion, the In-dian was far too dignified to betray his unbelief.
-- While the others were busily occupied in seeking to gratify their childish passion for fin-ery, by plundering even the miserable effects of the scout, or had been searching with such bloodthirsty vengeance in their looks for their absent owner, Le Renard had stood at a little distance from the prisoners, with a demeanor so quiet and satisfied, as to betray that he had already effect-ed the grand purpose of his treachery.
-- Go, then, and sleep; believe me, neither of us, weak girls as we are, will betray our watch.'
-- On the other hand, Heyward began to throw sundry inducements in the way of the French general, to betray the discoveries he had made through the intercepted letter.
-- 'Is it not our interest, sir, to betray distrust?'
-- With less and less of hope or strength, as they went on, but with an undiminished resolution not to betray by any word or sigh her sinking state, so long as she had energy to move, the child, throughout the remainder of that hard day, compelled herself to proceed: not even stopping to rest as frequently as usual, to compensate in some measure for the tardy pace at which she was obliged to walk.
-- I end here this catalogue, which is somewhat dry perhaps, but very exact, with a series of bony fish that I observed in passing belonging to the apteronotes, and whose snout is white as snow, the body of a beautiful black, marked with a very long loose fleshy strip; odontognathes, armed with spikes; sardines nine inches long, glittering with a bright silver light; a species of mackerel provided with two anal fins; centronotes of a blackish tint, that are fished for with torches, long fish, two yards in length, with fat flesh, white and firm, which, when they arc fresh, taste like eel, and when dry, like smoked salmon; labres, half red, covered with scales only at the bottom of the dorsal and anal fins; chrysoptera, on which gold and silver blend their brightness with that of the ruby and topaz; golden-tailed spares, the flesh of which is extremely delicate, and whose phosphorescent properties betray them in the midst of the waters; orange-coloured spares with long tongues; maigres, with gold caudal fins, dark thorn-tails, anableps of Surinam, etc.
-- For a long while this thought haunted my mind, and I had a kind of presentiment that before long chance would betray the captain's secrets.
-- I crept along the carpet, avoiding the slightest sound which might betray my presence.
-- Why did she betray the two of them so terribly, in embracing the glow of the evening?