
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:02


visitor是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 访问者, 客人, 来宾, 参观者,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before.

-- The appearance of our visitor was a surprise to me, since I had expected a typical country practitioner.

-- Sherlock Holmes waved our strange visitor into a chair.

-- Our visitor readjusted his glasses and began: 'The recent sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville, whose name has been mentioned as the probable Liberal candi-date for Mid-Devon at the next election, has cast a gloom over the county.



-- The prince's conversation was artless and confiding to a degree, and the servant could not help feeling that as from visitor to common serving-man this state of things was highly improper.

-- 'No, no!I can't announce a visitor like yourself with-out the secretary.

-- As he went out of the prince's room, he collided with yet another visitor coming in.

-- Some most unusual visitor must have arrived.

-- This young gentleman no sooner set eyes on Aglaya than he became a frequent visitor at the house.



-- The Invisible Man A Grotesque Romance By H. G. Wells CONTENTS I The strange Man's Arrival II Mr. Teddy Henfrey's first Impressions III The thousand and one Bottles IV Mr. Cuss interviews the Stranger V The Burglary at the Vicarage VI The Furniture that went mad VII The Unveiling of the Stranger VIII In Transit IX Mr. Thomas Marvel X Mr. Marvel's Visit to Iping XI In the "Coach and Horses" XII The invisible Man loses his Temper XIII Mr. Marvel discusses his Resignation XIV At Port Stowe XV The Man who was running XVI In the "Jolly Cricketers" XVII Dr. Kemp's Visitor XVIII The invisible Man sleeps XIX Certain first Principles XX At the House in Great Portland Street XXI In Oxford Street XXII In the Emporium XXIII In Drury Lane XXIV The Plan that failed XXV The Hunting of the invisible Man XXVI The Wicksteed Murder XXVII The Siege of Kemp's House XXVIII The Hunter hunted The Epilogue CHAPTER I THE STRANGE MAN'S ARRIVAL The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking from Bramblehurst railway station, and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand.

-- Although the fire was burning up briskly, she was surprised to see that her visitor still wore his hat and coat, standing with his back to her and staring out of the window at the falling snow in the yard.

-- As she did so her visitor moved quickly, so that she got but a glimpse of a white object disappearing behind the table.

-- The visitor sat and listened to her retreating feet.

-- But the visitor was not to be drawn so easily.



-- So soon as their visitor had passed, the observant war-riors fell back from the entrance, and arranging themselves about him, they seemed patiently to await the moment when it might comport with the dignity of the stranger to speak.

-- Some of their old men consulted together in private, and then, as it would seem, they determined to interrogate their visitor on the subject.



-- It was natural for four reasons: firstly, because Mrs Quilp being a young woman and notoriously under the dominion of her husband ought to be excited to rebel; secondly, because Mrs Quilp's parent was known to be laudably shrewish in her disposition and inclined to resist male authority; thirdly, because each visitor wished to show for herself how superior she was in this respect to the generality of her sex; and fourthly, because the company being accustomed to scandalise each other in pairs, were deprived of their usual subject of conversation now that they were all assembled in close friendship, and had consequently no better employment than to attack the common enemy.

-- No strange robber, no treacherous host conniving at the plunder of his guests, or stealing to their beds to kill them in their sleep, no nightly prowler, however terrible and cruel, could have awakened in her bosom half the dread which the recognition of her silent visitor inspired.

-- 'She has been ill, sir, very lately,' said the schoolmaster, in answer to the look with which their visitor regarded Nell when he had kissed her cheek.



-- Bingley, from this time, was of course a daily visitor at Longbourn; coming frequently before breakfast, and always remaining till after supper; unless when some bar-barous neighbour, who could not be enough detested, had given him an invitation to dinner which he thought himself obliged to accept.

-- They both set off, and the conjec-tures of the remaining three continued, though with little satisfaction, till the door was thrown open and their visitor entered.



-- The man and one of the maids were sent off immediately into Devonshire, to prepare the house for their mistress's arrival; for as Lady Middleton was entirely unknown to Mrs. Dashwood, she preferred going directly to the cottage to being a visitor at Barton Park; and she relied so undoubtingly on Sir John's description of the house, as to feel no curiosity to examine it herself till she entered it as her own.

-- No other visitor appeared that evening, and the ladies were unanimous in agreeing to go early to bed.

-- Elinor had just been congratulating herself, in the midst of her perplexity, that however difficult it might be to express herself properly by letter, it was at least preferable to giving the information by word of mouth, when her visitor entered, to force her upon this greatest exertion of all.





