
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:02


visitor是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 访问者, 客人, 来宾, 参观者,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "She might," said Mrs. Hurst, musingly; "though she's only a visitor here.

-- The man agreed, and wondered at such a mood in a visitor who wore not a shred of mourning.

-- "It is so seldom that I get a lady visitor that I'm afraid I haven't proper accommodation.



-- His position was not unlike that of some visitor permitted as a favor to inspect a private collection of curiosities, when by inadvertence he comes into collision with a glass case full of sculptured figures, and three or four heads, imperfectly secured, fall at the shock.

-- "Madame la Vicomtess, there is a visitor in the drawing-room."



-- After passing some months in London, we received a let-ter from a person in Scotland who had formerly been our visitor at Geneva.



-- I was not long in discovering that she was a frequent visitor at the Castle; for, on our going in, and my complimenting Wemmick on his ingenious contrivance for announcing himself to the Aged, he begged me to give my attention for a moment to the other side of the chimney, and disappeared.

-- Whereas they were easy of innocent solution apart,--as, for instance, some diner out or diner at home, who had not gone near this watchman's gate, might have strayed to my staircase and dropped asleep there,--and my nameless visitor might have brought some one with him to show him the way,--still, joined, they had an ugly look to one as prone to distrust and fear as the changes of a few hours had made me.

-- This is--a visitor of mine."



-- The visitor having strolled to the window, and being then engaged in looking carelessly out, was as unmoved by this impressive entry as man could possibly be.

-- From the mistress of the house, the visitor glanced to the house itself.

-- Rachael made the tea (so large a party necessitated the borrowing of a cup), and the visitor enjoyed it mightily.

-- Mr. Bounderby, having got it into his explosive composition that Mrs. Sparsit was a highly superior woman to perceive that he had that general cross upon him in his deserts (for he had not yet settled what it was), and further that Louisa would have objected to her as a frequent visitor if it had comported with his greatness that she should object to anything he chose to do, resolved not to lose sight of Mrs. Sparsit easily.

-- The child-like ingenuousness with which his visitor spoke, her modest fearlessness, her truthfulness which put all artifice aside, her entire forgetfulness of herself in her earnest quiet holding to the object with which she had come; all this, together with her reliance on his easily given promise which in itself shamed him presented something in which he was so inexperienced, and against which he knew any of his usual weapons would fall so powerless; that not a word could he rally to his relief.



-- The visitor stood looking at her with a strange attentive smile.

-- The visitor offered his hand.

-- He had no sooner turned the handle than the visitor saw Little Dorrit, and saw the reason of her setting so much store by dining alone.

-- 'Mr Clennam,' said the Father, 'I am deeply, deeply ' But his visitor had shut up his hand to stop the clinking, and had gone down-stairs with great speed.

-- The unaccustomed visitor from outside, naturally assumed everybody here to be prisoners landlord, waiter, barmaid, potboy, and all.



-- 'I beg your pardon, sir,' said Oliver at length: seeing that no other visitor made his appearance; 'did you knock?'

-- Fagin looked as if he could have willingly excused himself from taking home a visitor at that unseasonable hour; and, indeed, muttered something about having no fire; but his companion repeating his request in a peremptory manner, he unlocked the door, and requested him to close it softly, while he got a light.



-- There, shut into her own room, as soon as their visitor left them, she could think without interruption of all that she had heard.

-- But our visitor was very obstinate.

-- Not a word, however, passed his lips in allusion to it, till their visitor took his leave for the night; but as soon as he was gone, he turned to his daughter, and said: 'Jane, I congratulate you.





