understanding是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 理解, 理解力; 谅解a. 了解的, 通情达理的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- However, on the 26th, appeased by some presents, and understanding that they had no reprisals to fear, they led M. Jacquireot to the scene of the wreck.
-- But there had been no time for the understanding to develop.
-- In her tone, she made the understanding clear they were of the same kind, he and she, a sort of diabolic freemasonry subsisted between them.
-- There was a beam of understanding between them.
-- And there could be no obligation, because there is no standard for action there, because no understanding has been reaped from that plane.
-- He was very sensitive to scents, and quick in understanding them.
-- "The important point is that the servants could not have known that there was money in the room if Maslova had no understanding with them," said the clerk with the Jewish face.
-- There was a tacit understanding that the large house was kept up for his contemplated marriage.
-- That which Nekhludoff told her opened to her that world in which she had suffered and which she had left, hating without understanding it.
-- Nekhludoff spoke very clearly, and the peasants were sensible folks; but he was not understood, and could not be understood by them for the same reason which prevented the clerk from understanding him for a long time.