understanding是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 理解, 理解力; 谅解a. 了解的, 通情达理的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- And because with mutual knowledge among the nations comes mutual understanding and appreciation, mutual brotherhood; hence Jules Verne was one of the first and greatest of those teachers who are now leading us toward International Peace.
-- Olbinett heard him without understanding what he meant for the voluble stranger kept on talking incessantly, flying from one subject to another.
-- The Patagonian, without understanding the cause, could see that the two friends were quarreling.
-- "I suppose," replied Glenarvan, "the Patagonian and I won't have much to talk about; besides, I know a few Spanish words, and, at a pinch, I should not fear either making him understand me, or my understanding him."
-- "Yes," replied the Indian, understanding his gesture.
-- It was clear that there was already an understanding between them and that they had met by appointment.
-- He had scarcely the power of understanding anything that had passed, until, after a long ramble in the quiet evening air, a burst of tears came to his relief, and he seemed to awaken, all at once, to a full sense of the joyful change that had occurred, and the almost insupportable load of anguish which had been taken from his breast.
-- But it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses which often expose a strong understanding to ridicule.'
-- She has the reputation of being remarkably sensible and clever; but I rather believe she de-rives part of her abilities from her rank and fortune, part from her authoritative manner, and the rest from the pride for her nephew, who chooses that everyone connected with him should have an understanding of the first class.'
-- 'I have not the pleasure of understanding you,' said he, when she had finished her speech.
-- First, that you will allow me the free use of my understanding on the present occasion; and secondly, of my room.
-- 'To oblige you, I would try to believe almost anything, but no one else could be benefited by such a belief as this; for were I persuaded that Charlotte had any regard for him, I should only think worse of her understanding than I now do of her heart.
-- There were divers other plants, which I had no notion of or understanding about, that might, per-haps, have virtues of their own, which I could not find out.
-- how infinite and inexpress-ible a blessing it is that the knowledge of God, and of the doctrine of salvation by Christ Jesus, is so plainly laid down in the Word of God, so easy to be received and understood, that, as the bare reading the Scripture made me capable of understanding enough of my duty to carry me directly on to the great work of sincere repentance for my sins, and laying hold of a Saviour for life and salvation, to a stated reforma-tion in practice, and obedience to all God's commands, and this without any teacher or instructor, I mean human; so the same plain instruction sufficiently served to the enlight-ening this savage creature, and bringing him to be such a Christian as I have known few equal to him in my life.
-- His understanding was good, and his education had given it solid improvement.
-- The excellence of his understanding and his principles can be concealed only by that shyness which too often keeps him silent.
-- That his understanding has no brilliancy, his feelings no ardour, and his voice no expression."
-- You will tell me, I know, that this may or may NOT have happened; but I will listen to no cavil, unless you can point out any other method of understanding the affair as satisfactory at this.
-- She had little difficulty in understanding thus much of her rival's intentions, and while she was firmly resolved to act by her as every principle of honour and honesty directed, to combat her own affection for Edward and to see him as little as possible; she could not deny herself the comfort of endeavouring to convince Lucy that her heart was unwounded.
-- Of course, she had no understanding of what put it into her head, but, nevertheless, it aroused in her the first shade of real antipathy to him.
-- He was a splendid fellow in the true popular understanding of the term, and captivated Carrie completely.
-- They came to an understanding of each other without words--he of her situation, she of the fact that he realised it.
-- As for Carrie, her understanding of the moral significance of money was the popular understanding, nothing more.
-- The old definition: "Money: something everybody else has and I must get," would have expressed her understanding of it thoroughly.