
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:00


pass是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 经/通/穿/度过; 传递n. 通行证; 考试及格,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- At last I took to reading up interesting things on purpose to pass them on to the little ones, and this went on for all the rest of my time there, three years.

-- Besides these three rooms there was another small one at the end of the pas-sage, close to the kitchen, which was allotted to General Ivolgin, the nominal master of the house, who slept on a wide sofa, and was obliged to pass into and out of his room through the kitchen, and up or down the back stairs.

-- He crossed the salon and the entrance-hall, so as to pass down the corridor into his own room.

-- You always observe what other people pass by unnoticed; one could talk sense to you, but ' 'Here is another to whom you should apologize,' said the prince, pointing to Varia.



-- For all your strength, and all your coming from Lycia, you will be no help to the Trojans but will pass the gates of Hades vanquished by my hand.'

-- Yet, when to my sorrow I was coming hither, I never let my ship pass your altars without offering the fat and thigh-bones of heifers upon every one of them, so eager was I to sack the city of Troy.

-- If he were to go with me we should pass safely through fire itself, for he is quick to see and understand.'

-- Had he but obeyed the bidding of the son of Peleus, he would have, escaped death and have been scatheless; but the counsels of Jove pass man's understanding; he will put even a brave man to flight and snatch victory from his grasp, or again he will set him on to fight, as he now did when he put a high spirit into the heart of Patroclus.

-- Bury me with all speed that I may pass the gates of Hades; the ghosts, vain shadows of men that can labour no more, drive me away from them; they will not yet suffer me to join those that are beyond the river, and I wander all desolate by the wide gates of the house of Hades.



-- Then the policeman, who had been trying to pass the barman, rushed in, followed by one of the cabmen, gripped the wrist of the invisible hand that collared Marvel, was hit in the face and went reeling back.

-- One man as I was about to pass him at the top of Bedford Street, turned upon me abruptly and came into me, sending me into the road and almost under the wheel of a passing hansom.



-- I did not, however, mean to die, and an incident oc-curred that warned me unmistakably of the folly of letting the days pass so, for each fresh day was fraught with in-creasing danger from the Beast People.

-- I would go out into the streets to fight with my delusion, and prowling women would mew after me; furtive, craving men glance jealously at me; weary, pale workers go coughing by me with tired eyes and eager paces, like wounded deer drip-ping blood; old people, bent and dull, pass murmuring to themselves; and, all unheeding, a ragged tail of gibing chil-dren.



-- Good-night, Two Tails!If you pass us on the ground tomorrow, don't trumpet.

-- Pass it along the line!



-- The horses had been secured to some scattering shrubs that grew in the fissures of the rocks, where, standing in the water, they were left to pass the night.

-- Pass into the other cave, you that need it, and seek for sleep; we must be afoot long before the sun, and make the most of our time to get to Edward, while the Mingoes are taking their morning nap.'

-- When the triumphant shout of Uncas was borne to his ears, the grati- fied father raised his voice in a single responsive cry, after which his busy piece alone proved that he still guarded his pass with unwearied diligence.

-- A quiet smile lighted the haughty features of the young Mohican, betraying his knowledge of the English language as well as of the other's meaning; but he suffered it to pass away without vindication of reply.

-- As if actuated by a common impulse, his movement was imi-tated by his companions, and, together they rushed down the pass to the friendly chasm, with a rapidity that rendered the scattering fire of their enemies perfectly harmless.



-- Another of his sources of fearful pleasure was to pass long winter evenings with the old Dutch wives, as they sat spinning by the fire, with a row of apples roasting and spluttering along the hearth, and listen to their marvellous tales of ghosts and goblins, and haunted fields, and haunt-ed brooks, and haunted bridges, and haunted houses, and particularly of the headless horseman, or Galloping Hes-sian of the Hollow, as they sometimes called him.

-- To pass this bridge was the severest trial.

-- This has ever since been con-sidered a haunted stream, and fearful are the feelings of the school-boy who has to pass it alone after dark.



-- He had a characteristic sentimentality about the day and wanted to pass it among his friends with suitable ceremonies.










