refer是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 参考, 查询; 提到, 引用, 涉及; 提交, 上呈,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The documents evidently refer to some ship that sailed out of the port of Glasgow."
-- "Because the bottle could only have been thrown into the sea just when the vessel went to pieces on the rocks, and consequently the latitude and longitude given refer to the actual place of the shipwreck."
-- "Yes," replied Glenarvan, "if you will prove to me that the fragment of a word GONIE, does not refer to the country of the Patagonians."
-- "You refer to the Maories, Monsieur Paganel?"
-- "And what is the horrible death you refer to?"
-- That is to say, it was the duty of the presiding justice to explain to the jury their mistake and refer the question of the guilt of the accused to them for further deliberation.'"
-- What intention do you refer to?"
-- Inquiries will be made at the Ministry, which will refer them to the Senate, and the Senate will repeat its decision, and, as usual, the innocent will be punished."
-- "In the first place, the Ministry will not refer to the Senate," and Ignatius Nikiforovitch smiled condescendingly, "but will call for all the documents in the case, and, if it finds an error, will so decide.
-- 269): "In the first place, the Ministry will not refer to the Senate," and Ignatius Nikiforvitch smiled condescendingly, "but will call for all the documents in the case, and, if it finds an error, will so decide."
-- I couldn't say; I don't know what you refer to."
-- But, since you do refer to me, now look at me, ma'am.
-- This gentleman that I refer to, was presented to me, Mr Clennam, in a manner highly gratifying to my feelings, and conversed not only with great politeness, but with great ahem information.'
-- 'I must refer you,' returned Mr Barnacle, ringing the bell, 'to the Department itself for a formal answer to that inquiry.'
-- We shall have to refer it right and left; and when we refer it anywhere, then you'll have to look it up.
-- 'Do you refer to Mr Casby as your proprietor?'
-- Say, both refer to Mr Clennam.
-- At intervals, he would refer to piles of old log-books beside him, wherein were set down the seasons and places in which, on various former voyages of various ships, sperm whales had been captured or seen.
-- I will now refer you to Langsdorff's Voyages for a little circumstance in point, peculiarly interesting to the writer hereof.
-- Because there are skeleton authorities you can refer to, to test my accuracy.
-- Could it be he would refer so rudely to Hurstwood's flight with her?