clay是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 粘土, 泥土,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The Brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient Casi, which, like Mahomet's tomb, was once suspended between heaven and earth; though the Benares of to-day, which the Orientalists call the Athens of India, stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth, Passepartout caught glimpses of its brick houses and clay huts, giving an aspect of desolation to the place, as the train entered it.
-- At the small tables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinking English beer, porter, gin, and brandy; smoking, the while, long red clay pipes stuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose.
-- A clay and pebble wall, built in 1853, surrounded the town; and in the principal street were the market and several hotels adorned with pavilions.
-- III Two months before, when Martin had been making his annual inspection of factories, he had encountered Clay Tredgold, the president (by inheritance) of the Steel Windmill Company.
-- After the Klopchuk affair, Martin and Leora encountered Clay Tredgold and that gorgeous slim woman, his wife, in front of a motion-picture theater.
-- Even more than Clay Tredgold was he a leader of the Ashford Grove aristocracy, but, while he stood like an invading barbarian in the blue and silver room, Schlemihl was cordial: "Glad meet yuh, Doctor.
-- Clay is always telling me what an illiterate boob I am.
-- Look here, Clay darling, do I get a cocktail or don't I?
-- Would you have had me a woman of clay when you paid me that furthest, highest compliment a man can pay a woman telling her he loves her?
-- "All that could be done for her is done she's beyond us: and why should a man put himself in a tearing hurry for lifeless clay that can neither feel nor see, and don't know what you do with her at all?
-- Already the plowing was nearly finished, and thebloody glory of the sunset colored the fresh-cut furrows of red Georgia clay to even redder hues.
-- Suellen and Carreen were clay in her powerful hands and harkened respectfully to her warning.
-- The destination of the proposed railroad,Tennessee and the West, was clear and definite, but its beginning point in Georgia was somewhat uncertain until, ayear later, an engineer drove a stake in the red clay to mark the southern end of the line, and Atlanta, born Terminus,had begun.
-- The clay had hardened, some time in thisindeterminate day which had lasted a thousand years.
-- The horse made me a sign to go in first; it was a large room with a smooth clay floor, and a rack and manger, ex-tending the whole length on one side.
-- She dropped her blanket and kneeled on the clay hearth, holding her head to the fire, and shaking her hair to dry it.
-- Nobody knew that the Merdle of such high renown had ever done any good to any one, alive or dead, or to any earthly thing; nobody knew that he had any capacity or utterance of any sort in him, which had ever thrown, for any creature, the feeblest farthing-candle ray of light on any path of duty or diversion, pain or pleasure, toil or rest, fact or fancy, among the multiplicity of paths in the labyrinth trodden by the sons of Adam; nobody had the smallest reason for supposing the clay of which this object of worship was made, to be other than the commonest clay, with as clogged a wick smouldering inside of it as ever kept an image of humanity from tumbling to pieces.
-- Yet, gone those more than forty years, and come this Nemesis now looking her in the face, she still abided by her old impiety still reversed the order of Creation, and breathed her own breath into a clay image of her Creator.
-- Just wait ten years, and see if we don't,' said Amy, who sat in a corner making mud pies, as Hannah called her little clay models of birds, fruit, and faces.
-- To my friend and neighbor Theodore Laurence I be-queethe my paper mashay portfolio, my clay model of a horse though he did say it hadn't any neck.
-- I also observe that she does not fret much nor look in the glass, and has not even mentioned a very pretty ring which she wears, so I conclude that she has learned to think of other people more and of herself less, and has decided to try and mold her character as carefully as she molds her lit-tle clay figures.
-- A return to clay and plaster followed, and ghostly casts of her acquaintances haunted corners of the house, or tumbled off closet shelves onto people's heads.
-- That's mud; we leave clay to ditchers, sir.
-- "Bell-boy, sir; ship's-crier; ding, dong, ding!Pip!Pip!Pip!One hundred pounds of clay reward for Pip; five feet high looks cowardly quickest known by that!Ding, dong, ding!Who's seen Pip the coward?"