
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:57


regular是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有规律的; 整齐的, 匀称的, 正规的, 正式的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The crew, consisting of twenty-five men, including the captain and chief officer, were all from Dumbartonshire, experienced sailors, and all belonging to the Glenarvan estate; in fact, it was a regular clan, and they did not forget to carry with them the traditional bagpipes.

-- The Major was about fifty years of age, with a calm face and regular features—a man who did whatever he was told, of an excellent, indeed, a perfect temper; modest, silent, peaceable, and amiable, agreeing with everybody on every subject, never discussing, never disputing, never getting angry.

-- Paganel also came across a regular cargo of old books in the chief officer's chest.

-- "That is regular howling."

-- Glenarvan had torn the flanks of his horse with his spurs in his mad haste, when at last gun-shots were heard in the distance at regular intervals, as if fired as a signal.



-- She had a proud, finely cut face, so regular that it might have seemed impassive were it not for the sensitive mouth and the beautiful dark, eager eyes.



-- 'Oh, they don't come on frequently, besides, he's a regular child, though he seems to be fairly educated.

-- In one of the side rooms there sat at a table looking like one of the regular guests of the estab-lishment Ardalion Alexandrovitch, with a bottle before him, and a newspaper on his knee.

-- 'What a regular old woman I am today,' he had said to himself each time, with annoyance.

-- 'And you both seem inclined to boast about it!You astonish me, but I think he is more sincere than you, for you make a regular trade of it.

-- 'She is chaffing him making a fool of him, after her own private fashion, that's all!But she carries it just a little too far she is a regular little actress.



-- As she went behind the bar to the kitchen she heard a sound repeated at regular intervals.

-- It's regular given me a dread of a scythe, sir."

-- "It's the regular thing," said Jaffers.

-- "It makes me regular uncomfortable, the bare thought of that chap running about the country!He is at present At Large, and from certain evidence it is supposed that he has taken took, I suppose they mean the road to Port Stowe.



-- They have their regular roads and crossroads, up hills and down hills, all laid out from fifty to seventy or a hundred feet above ground, and by these they can travel even at night if necessary.



-- It was customary for them to discuss the regular summer outing at this season of the year.

-- It was a regular flurry of large, soft, white flakes.

-- Not, however, before her regular demand for her allowance became a grievous thing.



-- The Widow Doug- las she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, con- sidering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out.

-- No, sir, we'll just go on and ransom them in the regular way.'

-- It was that dull kind of a regular sound that comes from oars working in row-locks when it's a still night.

-- It was one of these regular summer storms.

-- 'Why, a man I met at daybreak this morning, just as I was going to turn into the woods for my regular sleep.








