
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:57


regular是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有规律的; 整齐的, 匀称的, 正规的, 正式的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- You're a regular Shakespeare!'

-- 'Such fun!Only see!A regular note of invitation from Mrs. Gardiner for tomorrow night!'

-- I'm sure Aunt March is a regular Old Man of the Sea to me, but I suppose when I've learned to carry her without complaining, she will tumble off, or get so light that I shan't mind her.'

-- We are a set of rascals this morning, but we'll come home regular angels.



-- Like most old fashioned pulpits, it was a very lofty one, and since a regular stairs to such a height would, by its long angle with the floor, seriously contract the already small area of the chapel, the architect, it seemed, had acted upon the hint of Father Mapple, and finished the pulpit without a stairs, substituting a perpendicular side ladder, like those used in mounting a ship from a boat at sea.

-- But all we said, not a word could we drag out of him; I almost felt like pushing him over, so as to change his position, for it was almost intolerable, it seemed so painfully and unnaturally constrained; especially, as in all probability he had been sitting so for upwards of eight or ten hours, going too without his regular meals.

-- "Do tell, now," cried Bildad, "is this Philistine a regular member of Deacon Deuteronomy's meeting?

-- For, like his nose, his short, black little pipe was one of the regular features of his face.

-- In connection with this appellative of "Whalebone whales," it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents.



-- And this was it: The members of this board were very sage, deep, philosophical men; and when they came to turn their attention to the workhouse, they found out at once, what ordinary folks would never have discovered--the poor people liked it!It was a regular place of public entertainment for the poorer classes; a tavern where there was nothing to pay; a public breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper all the year round; a brick and mortar elysium, where it was all play and no work.

-- 'You're a rough speaker, my friend, but you look an honest, open-hearted man,' said the old gentleman: turning his spectacles in the direction of the candidate for Oliver's premium, whose villainous countenance was a regular stamped receipt for cruelty.

-- Against the wall were ranged, in regular array, a long row of elm boards cut in the same shape: looking in the dim light, like high-shouldered ghosts with their hands in their breeches pockets.

-- 'I don't mean a regular mute to attend grown-up people, my dear, but only for children's practice.

-- But yer must know, Work'us, yer mother was a regular right-down bad 'un.'



-- Having resolved to do it without loss of time, as his leave of absence extended only to the following Saturday, and having no feelings of diffi- dence to make it distressing to himself even at the moment, he set about it in a very orderly manner, with all the obser- vances, which he supposed a regular part of the business.

-- Elizabeth soon heard from her friend; and their correspondence was as regular and frequent as it had ever been; that it should be equally unreserved was impossible.

-- I always say that nothing is to be done in education without steady and regular instruc-tion, and nobody but a governess can give it.



-- My condition began now to be, though not less miserable as to my way of living, yet much easier to my mind: and my thoughts being directed, by a constant reading the Scrip-ture and praying to God, to things of a higher nature, I had a great deal of comfort within, which till now I knew noth-ing of; also, my health and strength returned, I bestirred myself to furnish myself with everything that I wanted, and make my way of living as regular as I could.

-- The rainy season and the dry season began now to appear regular to me, and I learned to divide them so as to provide for them accordingly; but I bought all my experience before I had it, and this I am going to relate was one of the most discouraging experiments that I made.



-- To be tied down to the regular payment of such a sum, on every rent day, is by no means desirable: it takes away one's independence."

-- Miss Dashwood had a delicate complexion, regular features, and a remarkably pretty figure.

-- It was an arrangement, however, justified in its effects, if not in its cause; for nothing ever appeared in Robert's style of living or of talking to give a suspicion of his regretting the extent of his income, as either leaving his brother too little, or bringing himself too much; and if Edward might be judged from the ready discharge of his duties in every particular, from an increasing attachment to his wife and his home, and from the regular cheerfulness of his spirits, he might be supposed no less contented with his lot, no less free from every wish of an exchange.



-- Hurstwood's a regular sharp."

-- There was another fellow there, representing Burnstein, a regular hook-nosed sheeny, but he wasn't in it.








