
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:56


original是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 最初的, 新颖的; 有独创性的; n. 起源; 原件, 原稿,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The young ladies of High-bury might have walked again in safety before their panic began, and the whole history dwindled soon into a matter 408 Emmaof little importance but to Emma and her nephews: in her imagination it maintained its ground, and Henry and John were still asking every day for the story of Harriet and the gipsies, and still tenaciously setting her right if she varied in the slightest particular from the original recital.

-- ' She was afraid she had done her nothing but disservice. It was true that she had not to charge herself, in this instance as in the former, with being the sole and original author of the mischief; with having suggested such feelings as might oth-erwise never have entered Harriet's imagination; for Harriet had acknowledged her admiration and preference of Frank Churchill before she had ever given her a hint on the subject; but she felt completely guilty of having encouraged what she might have repressed.



-- She was a misty shape, and well she might be, considering that her original was at that moment sound asleep and oblivious of all love and letter-writing under the sky.

-- One could say about this barn, what could hardly be said of either the church or the castle, akin to it in age and style, that the purpose which had dictated its original erection was the same with that to which it was still applied.

-- Oak moved in silence back to his original seat.

-- Bathsheba's form, still in its original position, was now again distinct between their eyes and the light, which revealed that Boldwood had gone inside the room, and was sitting near her.

-- Troy was full of activity, but his activities were less of a locomotive than a vegetative nature; and, never being based upon any original choice of foundation or direction, they were exercised on whatever object chance might place in their way.



-- I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.



-- I reply, that depends on the original wildness of the beast, and the amount of taming.

-- Mr. Pocket and I had for some time parted company as to our original relations, though we continued on the best terms.



-- As given in the original edition.

-- I find likewise that your printer has been so careless as to confound the times, and mistake the dates, of my sev-eral voyages and returns; neither assigning the true year, nor the true month, nor day of the month: and I hear the original manuscript is all destroyed since the publication of my book; neither have I any copy left: however, I have sent you some corrections, which you may insert, if ever there should be a second edition: and yet I cannot stand to them; but shall leave that matter to my judicious and candid read-ers to adjust it as they please.

-- In relating these and the following laws, I would only be understood to mean the original institutions, and not the most scandalous corruptions, into which these people are fallen by the degenerate nature of man.

-- His original reasons I know not; but his hatred is increased since your great success against Blefuscu, by which his glory as admiral is much obscured.

-- It seems the minds of these people are so taken up with intense speculations, that they neither can speak, nor attend to the discourses of others, without being roused by some external taction upon the organs of speech and hearing; for which reason, those persons who are able to afford it always keep a flapper (the original is climenole) in their family, as one of their domes-tics; nor ever walk abroad, or make visits, without him.



-- But she had to take her farewell of the male part of the company yet, and every one of them had to unfold his arms (for they all assumed the professional attitude when they found themselves near Sleary), and give her a parting kiss Master Kidderminster excepted, in whose young nature there was an original flavour of the misanthrope, who was also known to have harboured matrimonial views, and who moodily withdrew.

-- Art or nature though, the original stock of Louisa's character or the graft of circumstances upon it, her curious reserve did baffle, while it stimulated, one as sagacious as Mrs. Sparsit.

-- 'If that portrait could speak, sir but it has the advantage over the original of not possessing the power of committing itself and disgusting others, it would testify, that a long period has elapsed since I first habitually addressed it as the picture of a Noodle.



-- His delight was to have found the original work in the Ice landic tongue, which he declared to be one of the most magnificent and yet simple idioms in the world--while at the same time its grammatical combinations were the most varied known to students.

-- "It is a Runic manuscript, the language of the original population of Iceland, invented by Odin himself," cried my uncle, angry at my ignorance.

-- Now that I was quite recovered, his original nature had conquered and obtained the upper hand.

-- In this original position, with dried meat, biscuit, and a delicious cup of tea, we made a satisfactory meal--I may say one of the most welcome and pleasant I ever remember.



-- His original curiosity augmented every day, as he watched for her, saw or did not see her, and speculated about her.

-- Her original timidity had grown with this concealment, and her light step and her little figure shunned the thronged streets while they passed along them.






