useful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有用的, 实用的; 有益的, 有帮助的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Nina Alex-androvna is anxious, because he is 'thoughtful beyond his years,' but he will, we think, make a useful and active man.
-- As when some mighty forest is all ablaze the eddying gusts whirl fire in all directions till the thickets shrivel and are consumed before the blast of the flame even so fell the heads of the flying Trojans before Agamemnon son of Atre-us, and many a noble pair of steeds drew an empty chariot along the highways of war, for lack of drivers who were ly-ing on the plain, more useful now to vultures than to their wives.
-- As a carpenter's line gives a true edge to a piece of ship's tim-ber, in the hand of some skilled workman whom Minerva has instructed in all kinds of useful arts even so level was the issue of the fight between the two sides, as they fought some round one and some round another.
-- The word was not soon-er said than the deed was done: they brought out the seven tripods which Agamemnon had promised, with the twenty metal cauldrons and the twelve horses; they also brought the women skilled in useful arts, seven in number, with Bri-seis, which made eight.
-- The first prize he offered was for the chariot races a woman skilled in all useful arts, and a three-legged caul-dron that had ears for handles, and would hold twenty-two measures.
-- "Very useful things indeed they are, sir," said Mrs. Hall.
-- They never meant to do any more the Bandar-log nev-er mean anything at all; but one of them invented what seemed to him a brilliant idea, and he told all the others that Mowgli would be a useful person to keep in the tribe, because he could weave sticks together for protection from the wind; so, if they caught him, they could make him teach them.
-- Even a little boy could be of use there, and Toomai was as useful as three boys.
-- They are taken up mountains, anywhere that a mule can find a road, and they are very useful for fighting in rocky country.
-- These lakes are useful at times, especially when the game take the water,' continued the scout, gazing about him with a countenance of concern; 'but they give no cover, except it be to the fishes.
-- In this manner, though with frequent interruptions which were filled with certain threat-ening sounds from the recovered instrument, the pursuers were put in possession of such leading circumstances as were likely to prove useful in accomplishing their great and engrossing object the recovery of the sisters.
-- 'I see no contradiction to the gifts of any man in passing his breathing spells in useful reflections,' the scout replied.
-- I solaced myself by thinking that it would be useful for me to find out what I could about Strickland's state of mind.
-- He really looked upon it as unfriendly that I had not given him the opportunity of making himself useful to me.
-- I think he might have learnt from them something that would be very useful to him."
-- The voyagers, after having discovered that the sea extended beneath them, and thinking the dangers above less dreadful than those below, did not hesitate to throw overboard even their most useful articles, while they endeavored to lose no more of that fluid, the life of their enterprise, which sustained them above the abyss.
-- I think some branches will be very useful in stopping up these openings, through which the wind shrieks like so many fiends."
-- Top's instinct was useful to the hunters, who, thanks to the intelligent animal, were enabled to discover the road by which they had come.
-- said Herbert, "such a useful tree, and which has such beautiful nuts!"
-- Clever, intelligent, indefatigable, robust, with iron health, he knew a little about the work of the forge, and could not fail to be very useful in the colony.
-- At this momentous crisis, Miss Cheggs proved herself a vigourous and useful ally, for not confining herself to expressing by scornful smiles a contempt for Mr Swiveller's accomplishments, she took every opportunity of whispering into Miss Sophy's ear expressions of condolence and sympathy on her being worried by such a ridiculous creature, declaring that she was frightened to death lest Alick should fall upon, and beat him, in the fulness of his wrath, and entreating Miss Sophy to observe how the eyes of the said Alick gleamed with love and fury; passions, it may be observed, which being too much for his eyes rushed into his nose also, and suffused it with a crimson glow.
-- Once investing the dwarf with a design of his own in abetting them, which the attainment of their purpose would serve, it was easy to believe him sincere and hearty in the cause; and as there could be no doubt of his proving a powerful and useful auxiliary, Trent determined to accept his invitation and go to his house that night, and if what he said and did confirmed him in the impression he had formed, to let him share the labour of their plan, but not the profit.
-- It was a maxim with Mr Brass that the habit of paying compliments kept a man's tongue oiled without any expense; and, as that useful member ought never to grow rusty or creak in turning on its hinges in the case of a practitioner of the law, in whom it should be always glib and easy, he lost few opportunities of improving himself by the utterance of handsome speeches and eulogistic expressions.
-- You're useful to me, Dick, and cost nothing but a little treating now and then.