
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:56


useful是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 有用的, 实用的; 有益的, 有帮助的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Verne has done a vast and useful work in stimulating the interest not only of Frenchmen but of all civilised nations, with regard to the lesser known regions of our globe.

-- He not only thoroughly understood navigation, but commerce also—a two-fold qualification eminently useful to skippers in the merchant service.

-- It was the rainy season, "le tempo das aguas," as the Spanish call it, a trying season to travelers, but useful to the inhabitants of the African Islands, who lack trees and consequently water.

-- A European is a useful being in these countries.

-- He thought it might be useful to us, and gave it to me before he plunged into the water to save Thaouka."



-- 'Because he foresaw that she would be very much more useful to him in the character of a free woman.'

-- 'Yes, I think that we should be more useful there at the present juncture.'



-- I began to ask questions about them, for I had never seen one before; and I at once came to the conclusion that this must be one of the most useful of animals strong, willing, patient, cheap; and, thanks to this donkey, I began to like the whole country I was travelling through; and my melan-choly passed away.'

-- And whenever the cross touched his lips, the eyes would open for a moment, and the legs moved once, and he kissed the cross greedily, hurriedly just as though he were anxious to catch hold of something in case of its being useful to him afterwards, though he could hardly have had any connected religious thoughts at the time.

-- He had the greatest difficulty in expressing his opin-ion that railways were most useful institutions, and in the middle of his speech Adelaida laughed, which threw him into a still worse state of confusion.



-- 'Well!You have come here to be educated, and taught a useful trade,' said the red -faced gentleman in the high chair.

-- At this tremendous sight, Oliver began to cry very piteously: thinking, not unnaturally, that the board must have determined to kill him for some useful purpose, or they never would have begun to fatten him up in that way.



-- Chapter 15 r. Collins was not a sensible man, and the deficiency Mof nature had been but little assisted by education or society; the greatest part of his life having been spent under the guidance of an illiterate and miserly father; and though he belonged to one of the universities, he had merely kept the necessary terms, without forming at it any useful acquain-tance.

-- Choose properly, choose a gentlewoman for MY sake; and for your OWN, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good way.

-- Change of scene might be of service and perhaps a little relief from home may be as useful as anything.'

-- Then, perceiving in Elizabeth no inclination of reply-ing, she added, 'Unhappy as the event must be for Lydia, we may draw from it this useful lesson: that loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable; that one false step involves her in endless ruin; that her reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful; and that she cannot be too much guarded in her behaviour towards the undeserving of the other sex.'

-- Elizabeth had now but little time for conversation with her sister; for while he was present, Jane had no attention to bestow on anyone else; but she found herself consider-ably useful to both of them in those hours of separation that must sometimes occur.



-- And it was after long searching that I found out the carpenter's chest, which was, indeed, a very useful prize to me, and much more valuable than a shipload of gold would have been at that time.

-- I now began to consider that I might yet get a great many things out of the ship which would be useful to me, and particularly some of the rigging and sails, and such other things as might come to land; and I resolved to make an-other voyage on board the vessel, if possible.

-- I got on board the ship as before, and prepared a second raft; and, having had experience of the first, I neither made this so unwieldy, nor loaded it so hard, but yet I brought away several things very useful to me; as first, in the carpen-ters stores I found two or three bags full of nails and spikes, a great screw- jack, a dozen or two of hatchets, and, above all, that most useful thing called a grindstone.

-- In a word, I brought away all the sails, first and last; only that I was fain to cut them in piec-es, and bring as much at a time as I could, for they were no more useful to be sails, but as mere canvas only.

-- It blew very hard all night, and in the morning, when I looked out, behold, no more ship was to be seen!I was a little surprised, but recov-ered myself with the satisfactory reflection that I had lost no time, nor abated any diligence, to get everything out of her that could be useful to me; and that, indeed, there was little left in her that I was able to bring away, if I had had more time.



-- If, however, by an unforeseen chance it should be in my power to serve him farther, I must think very differently of him from what I now do, if I am not as ready to be useful to him then as I sincerely wish I could be at present.



-- This useful elevator, by which fuel, groceries, and the like were sent up from the basement, and garbage and waste sent down, was used by both residents of one floor; that is, a small door opened into it from each flat.







