exalted是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 高贵的, 得意的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- They were exalted by belonging to this great and superhuman system which was beyond feeling or reason, something really godlike.
-- He was a pure and exalted activity.
-- 'Kislorodoff told me all this with a sort of exaggerated devilmay-care negligence, and as though he did me great honour by talking to me so, because it showed that he con-sidered me the same sort of exalted Nihilistic being as himself, to whom death was a matter of no consequence whatever, either way.
-- But a man who knows for certain that he has but ten min-utes to live and can talk like that why it's it's PRIDE, that is!It is really a most extraordinary, exalted assertion of personal dignity, it's it's DEFIANT!What a GIGAN-TIC strength of will, eh?
-- But I will tell you that she probably sees the absurdity of that exalted love of his (he has not spoken to her about it), is flattered by it, and fears it.