
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:55


exalted是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 高贵的, 得意的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- And now two smaller Cratchits, boy and girl, came tearing in, screaming that outside the baker's they had smelt the goose, and known it for their own; and bask-ing in luxurious thoughts of sage and onion, these young Cratchits danced about the table, and exalted Master Pe-ter Cratchit to the skies, while he (not proud, although his collars nearly choked him) blew the fire, until the slow po-tatoes bubbling up, knocked loudly at the saucepan-lid to be let out and peeled.



-- He knew enough of the world to know that there is nothing in it bet-ter than the faithful service of the heart; so rendered and so free from any mercenary taint, he had such an exalted respect for it, that in the retributive arrangements made by his own mind we all make such arrangements, more or less he stationed Miss Pross much nearer to the lower An-gels than many ladies immeasurably better got up both by Nature and Art, who had balances at Tellson's.

-- In London, he had expected neither to walk on pave-ments of gold, nor to lie on beds of roses; if he had had any such exalted expectation, he would not have prospered.

-- ), it is a curious thing that she is going to marry the nephew of Monsieur the Marquis, for whom Gaspard was exalted to that height of so many feet; in other words, the present Marquis.

-- Now that this was changed, and he knew himself to be invested through that old trial with forces to which they both looked for Charles's ultimate safe-ty and deliverance, he became so far exalted by the change, that he took the lead and direction, and required them as the weak, to trust to him as the strong.



-- The majority of the younger men envied him for just what was the most irksome factor in his love--the exalted position of Karenin, and the consequent publicity of their connection in society.

-- Yet, elevated as Madame Stahl's character was, touching as was her story, and exalted and moving as was her speech, Kitty could not help detecting in her some traits which perplexed her.

-- But now, without an instant's consideration, he declined it, and observing dissatisfaction in the most exalted quarters at this step, he immediately retired from the army.

-- This care for domestic details in Kitty, so opposed to Levin's ideal of exalted happiness, was at first one of the disappointments; and this sweet care of her household, the aim of which he did not understand, but could not help loving, was one of the new happy surprises.

-- He's too pure, too exalted a nature."



-- From his exalted position Passepartout observed with much curiosity the wide streets, the low, evenly ranged houses, the Anglo-Saxon Gothic churches, the great docks, the palatial wooden and brick warehouses, the numerous conveyances, omnibuses, horse-cars, and upon the side-walks, not only Americans and Europeans, but Chinese and Indians.



-- But tonight, in detestation of such literary playboys as Brumfit, he exalted Gottlieb's long, lonely, failure- burdened effort to synthesize antitoxin, and his diabolic pleasure in disproving his own contentions as he would those of Ehrlich or Sir Almroth Wright.

-- By a connection not evident to him he remembered that the Sunday before, in the slummy chapel where he preached during his medical course, he had exalted the sacrifice of the martyrs and they had sung of the blood of the lamb, the fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, but this meditation he lost, and he lumbered toward Digamma Pi in a fog of pondering pity.

-- If Martin was exalted with excitement, it was presumably caused by the wholesome exercises of the day.



-- It must be noted that when Katerina Ivanovna exalted anyone's connections and fortune, it was without any ulterior motive, quite disinterestedly, for the mere pleasure of adding to the consequence of the person praised.



-- We were all extremelyglad to see Traddles so put down, and exalted Steerforth to theskies: especially when he told us, as he condescended to do, thatwhat he had done had been done expressly for us, and for ourcause, and that he had conferred a great boon upon us byunselfishly doing it.

-- When I walked about, exalted with my secret, and full of my owninterest, and felt the dignity of loving Dora, and of being beloved,so much, that if I had walked the air, I could not have been moreabove the people not so situated, who were creeping on the earth!

-- Even in our professionalcorrespondence,' said Mr. Micawber, glancing at some letters hewas writing, 'the mind is not at liberty to soar to any exalted formof expression.

-- And, although I trembled for the agony it might one day beto him to have his strong assurance shivered at a blow, there wassomething so religious in it, so affectingly expressive of its anchorbeing in the purest depths of his fine nature, that the respect andhonour in which I held him were exalted every day.



-- I doubted at first whether I should attempt the cre-ation of a being like myself, or one of simpler organization; but my imagination was too much exalted by my first suc-cess to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complete and wonderful as man.



-- Scarlett knew Rhetthad no exalted opinion of Ashley and cared nothing at all about the fact that he had been made a major.



-- That swindling Pumblechook, exalted into the beneficent contriver of the whole occasion, actually took the top of the table; and, when he addressed them on the subject of my being bound, and had fiendishly congratulated them on my being liable to imprisonment if I played at cards, drank strong liquors, kept late hours or bad company, or indulged in other vagaries which the form of my indentures appeared to contemplate as next to inevitable, he placed me standing on a chair beside him to illustrate his remarks.

-- "We have been," said Mr. Wopsle, exalted with his late performance,--"we have been indulging, Mr. Orlick, in an intellectual evening."

-- In the excited and exalted state of my brain, I could not think of a place without seeing it, or of persons without seeing them.




