mental是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 精神的, 思想的, 心理的, 智力的, 脑力的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- You don't want to be an animal, you want to observe your own animal functions, to get a mental thrill out of them.
-- The strange, transfixed, rudimentary face of the woman again reminded Gerald of a f脜聯tus, it was also rather wonderful, conveying the suggestion of the extreme of physical sensation, beyond the limits of mental consciousness.
-- The attitude was mental and very wearying.
-- Only the elderly sociologist, whose mental fibre was so tough as to be insentient, seemed to be thoroughly happy.
-- There was an elation and a satisfaction in it all, but it was cruelly exhausting for the newcomers, this ruthless mental pressure, this powerful, consuming, destructive mentality that emanated from Joshua and Hermione and Birkin and dominated the rest.
-- One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years.
-- Then personal appearance sympathised with mental deterioration: he acquired a slouching gait and ignoble look; his naturally reserved disposition was exaggerated into an almost idiotic excess of unsociable moroseness; and he took a grim pleasure, apparently, in exciting the aversion rather than the esteem of his few acquaintance.