
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:55


mental是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 精神的, 思想的, 心理的, 智力的, 脑力的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Encamped at a quarter before nine, in good time to touch his threecornered hat to the oldest of men as they passed in to Tellson's, Jerry took up his station on this windy March morning, with young Jerry standing by him, when not en-gaged in making forays through the Bar, to inflict bodily and mental injuries of an acute description on passing boys who were small enough for his amiable purpose.

-- 'If I understand,' said the Doctor, in a subdued tone, 'some mental shock ?'

-- He once yearned so frightfully for that occupation, and it was so welcome when it came; no doubt it relieved his pain so much, by sub-stituting the perplexity of the fingers for the perplexity of the brain, and by substituting, as he became more practised, the ingenuity of the hands, for the ingenuity of the mental torture; that he has never been able to bear the thought of putting it quite out of his reach.



-- They were, namely, casts of female friends, whose bodily or mental deformities were here most faithfully preserved.

-- Among the latter there may be far more poetical natures than many an ac-knowledged poet, when examined more closely, could boast of; the difference only is, that the poet possesses a better mental memory, on which account he is able to retain the 50 Andersen's Fairy Talesfeeling and the thought till they can be embodied by means of words; a faculty which the others do not possess.

-- His mental powers here below were not strong enough to reach the treasures lying beyond this life, and which his destiny ordained he should obtain.



-- And for him, living in a certain society--owing to the need, ordinarily developed at years of discretion, for some degree of mental activity--to have views was just as indispensable as to have a hat.

-- The professor, in annoyance, and, as it were, mental suffering at the interruption, looked round at the strange inquirer, more like a bargeman than a philosopher, and turned his eyes upon Sergey Ivanovitch, as though to ask: What's one to say to him?

-- And at once in the conversation with the aide-de-camp Oblonsky had a sense of relaxation and relief after the conversation with Levin, which always put him to too great a mental and spiritual strain.

-- "And the worst of it all," thought he, "is that just now, at the very moment when my great work is approaching completion" (he was thinking of the project he was bringing forward at the time), "when I stand in need of all my mental peace and all my energies, just now this stupid worry should fall foul of me.

-- Thinking over what he would say, he somewhat regretted that he should have to use his time and mental powers for domestic consumption, with so little to show for it, but, in spite of that, the form and contents of the speech before him shaped itself as clearly and distinctly in his head as a ministerial report.



-- People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer.



-- They decided now, talking it over in their tight little two-and-quarter room flat, that most people who call themselves "truth-seekers"--persons who scurry about chattering of Truth as though it were a tangible separable thing, like houses or salt or bread--did not so much desire to find Truth as to cure their mental itch.

-- Too many would-be scientists lack the tutored vision which comes from coordinating all mental domains."

-- He was going to standardize and co-ordinate all mental activities in America, by the creation of a bureau which should direct and pat and gently rebuke and generally encourage chemistry and batik- making, poetry and Arctic exploration, animal husbandry and Bible study, Negro spirituals and business-letter writing.

-- You think that because you've started in on one tiny branch of mental activity, there's nothing else in the world.



-- Only fancy!In the first place, you've three times the brains he has; in the sec-ond, if you are not mad, you needn't care a hang that he has got such a wild idea; and thirdly, that piece of beef whose specialty is surgery has gone mad on mental diseases, and what's brought him to this conclusion about you was your conversation to-day with Zametov.'

-- What struck him, you see, was that only that subject seemed to interest you; now it's clear why it did interest you; know-ing all the circumstances 芒聙娄 and how that irritated you and worked in with your illness 芒聙娄 I am a little drunk, brother, only, confound him, he has some idea of his own 芒聙娄 I tell you, he's mad on mental diseases.

-- The fact that he had made no use of what he had stolen was put down partly to the effect of remorse, partly to his abnormal mental con-dition at the time of the crime.



-- When we had exhausted the subject of the stars, or rather when Ihad exhausted the mental faculties of Mr. Barkis, little Em'ly and Imade a cloak of an old wrapper, and sat under it for the rest of thejourney.

-- The remembrance of that life is fraught with somuch pain to me, with so much mental suffering and want of hope,that I have never had the courage even to examine how long I wasdoomed to lead it.

-- Mental sufferingand trial supply, in some natures, the place of years and I will be asplain with you as if I were a Lady Abbess.

-- No physical pain that her father's greyhead could have borne, I think, could have been more terrible tome, than the mental endurance I saw compressed now within bothhis hands.

-- 'Placed in a mental position of peculiar painfulness, beyond theassuaging reach even of Mrs. Micawber's influence, thoughexercised in the tripartite character of woman, wife, and mother, itis my intention to fly from myself for a short period, and devote arespite of eight-and-forty hours to revisiting some metropolitanscenes of past enjoyment.






