gain是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 获得; 增加; 表等走快n. 增进, 增加; 收益,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I made bold to tell her majesty, 'that I owed no other obligation to my late master, than his not dashing out the brains of a poor harmless creature, found by chance in his fields: which ob-ligation was amply recompensed, by the gain he had made in showing me through half the kingdom, and the price he had now sold me for.
-- I began to think that this house must belong to some person of great note among them, because there appeared so much ceremony before I could gain ad-mittance.
-- The first is, to gain over my adversary's lawyer with a double fee, who will then betray his client by insinuating that he hath justice on his side.
-- Set anywhere, side by side, the work of God and the work of man; and the former, even though it be a troop of Hands of very small account, will gain in dignity from the comparison.
-- My better knowledge of his circumstances, and my direction and advice in extricating them rather valuable, I hope, as coming from a scapegrace on a much larger scale will give me some influence over him, and all I gain I shall certainly use towards this end.
-- Father, he did gain it.
-- My anxiety was to gain real knowledge of the earth.
-- By degrees, they appear to swell out, break, and gain in number what they lose in grandeur; their heaviness is so great that they are unable to lift themselves from the horizon; but under the influence of the upper currents of air, they are gradually broken up, become much darker, and then present the appearance of one single layer of a formidable character; now and then a lighter cloud, still lit up from above, rebounds upon this grey carpet, and is lost in the opaque mass.
-- I slid down from my hiding place, reached the ground, and gliding against the wall, strove to gain the open mouth of the cavern.
-- All hopes of eternity and all gain from the past he would have given to have her there, to be wrapped warm with him in one blanket, and sleep, only sleep.
-- It would recompense me for much disappointment if I could hope to gain your confidence.'
-- However, he had naturally felt a preference for his own country, and a wish to gain distinction there, and to do whatever service he could do, there rather than elsewhere.
-- He was the most disinterested of men, did everything for Society, and got as little for himself out of all his gain and care, as a man might.
-- They inquired at several little area gates, where a dejected youth stood spiking his chin on the summit of a precipitous little shoot of wooden steps, but could gain no information.
-- Society requires that he should gain by marriage.
-- The purpose which now took possession of her was a natural one to a poor and ambitious girl, but the means she took to gain her end were not the best.
-- 'I want to, oh, so much!I try, but every day I lose a lit-tle, and feel more sure that I shall never gain it back.
-- There weekly arrive in this town scores of green Vermonters and New Hampshire men, all athirst for gain and glory in the fishery.
-- But like Czar Peter content to toil in the shipyards of foreign cities, Queequeg disdained no seeming ignominy, if thereby he might happily gain the power of enlightening his untutored countrymen.
-- "You mean the ship Pequod, I suppose," said I, trying to gain a little more time for an uninterrupted look at him.
-- It was a sight full of quick wonder and awe!The vast swells of the omnipotent sea; the surging, hollow roar they made, as they rolled along the eight gunwales, like gigantic bowls in a boundless bowling-green; the brief suspended agony of the boat, as it would tip for an instant on the knife-like edge of the sharper waves, that almost seemed threatening to cut it in two; the sudden profound dip into the watery glens and hollows; the keen spurrings and goadings to gain the top of the opposite hill; the headlong, sled-like slide down its other side; all these, with the cries of the headsmen and harpooneers, and the shuddering gasps of the oarsmen, with the wondrous sight of the ivory Pequod bearing down upon her boats with outstretched sails, like a wild hen after her screaming brood; all this was thrilling.
-- Besides, all the days I should now live would be as good as the days that Lazarus lived after his resurrection; a supplementary clean gain of so many months or weeks as the case might be.
-- One wretched breathless child, panting with exhaustion; terror in his looks; agony in his eyes; large drops of perspiration streaming down his face; strains every nerve to make head upon his pursuers; and as they follow on his track, and gain upon him every instant, they hail his decreasing strength with joy.
-- Master Bates backed this advice with sundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr. Dawkins launched into a glowing description of the numerous pleasures incidental to the life they led, interspersed with a variety of hints to Oliver that the best thing he could do, would be to secure Fagin's favour without more delay, by the means which they themselves had employed to gain it.