
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:55


gain是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 获得; 增加; 表等走快n. 增进, 增加; 收益,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- And as for Harriet, I will venture to say that she cannot gain by the acquaintance.

-- She was pleased with the eagerness to arrive which had made him alter his plan, and travel earlier, later, and quicker, that he might gain half a day.

-- The delightful assurance of her total indifference towards Frank Churchill, of her having a heart completely disengaged from him, had given birth to the hope, that, in time, he might gain her affection himself; but it had been no present hope he had only, in the momentary conquest of eagerness over judgment, aspired to be told that she did not forbid his attempt to attach her. The superior hopes which gradually opened were so much the more enchant-ing. The affection, which he had been asking to be allowed to create, if he could, was already his! Within half an hour, he had passed from a thoroughly distressed state of mind, to something so like perfect happiness, that it could bear no other name.

-- Mr. Weston's sanguine temper was a blessing on all his upright and honourable exertions; but Mr. Weston earned every present comfort before he endeavoured to gain it. Very true; he did not come till Miss Fairfax was here.'



-- Gabriel resumed, primarily to gain the information, indirectly to get more of the music.

-- To set against this negative gain there may have been some positive losses from a certain narrowing of the higher tastes and sensations which it entailed.

-- Your dear love, Bathsheba, is such a vast thing beside your pity, that the loss of your pity as well as your love is no great addition to my sorrow, nor does the gain of your pity make it sensibly less.

-- 'Tis for our good to gain knowledge of strange cities, and as such the boy's words should be suffered, so to speak it."

-- "I like Fanny best," said Troy; "and if, as you say, Miss Everdene is out of my reach, why I have all to gain by accepting your money, and marrying Fan.



-- This mystery he meant to penetrate, hoping by its means to gain a sovereign ascendency over this fair typical Parisian.

-- de Nucingen would lap up all the mud that lies between the Rue Saint-Lazare and the Rue de Grenelle to gain admittance to my salon.

-- She fancied that she should gain her end through de Marsay; she has made herself de Marsay's slave, and she bores him.

-- Very well, then, now let Father Goriot gain the right of entry into her sister's house for you.



-- After many fruitless attempts to gain admittance to the prison, he found a strongly grated window in an unguarded part of the building, which lighted the dungeon of the unfor-tunate Muhammadan, who, loaded with chains, waited in despair the execution of the barbarous sentence.

-- My voice, although harsh, had nothing terrible in it; I thought, therefore, that if in the absence of his children I could gain the good will and mediation of the old De Lacey, I might by his means be tolerated by my younger protectors.

-- But on you only had I any claim for pity and redress, and from you I determined to seek that justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form.

-- But in Clerval I saw the image of my former self; he was 192 Frankensteininquisitive and anxious to gain experience and instruction.

-- Who could be interested in the fate of a mur-derer but the hangman who would gain his fee?



-- "I am sure that is a great gain to two charming ladies," said he, making a slight bow.



-- "Do you want to be a gentleman, to spite her or to gain her over?"

-- And if it is to gain her over, I should think--but you know best--she was not worth gaining over."

-- I therefore got up and put on my clothes, and went out across the yard into the long stone passage, designing to gain the outer courtyard and walk there for the relief of my mind.

-- Nor yet I don't intend to advertise myself in the newspapers by the name of A.M. come back from Botany Bay; and years have rolled away, and who's to gain by it?

-- I was slow to gain strength, but I did slowly and surely become less weak, and Joe stayed with me, and I fancied I was little Pip again.







