confidence是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. (in) 信任; 信心, 自信; 秘密, 机密,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He could say nothing, for, in the bottom of his heart he shared the confidence which his companions had in Cyrus Harding.
-- Pencroft, although he had no confidence in the proceeding, then tried rubbing two pieces of dry wood together, as savages do.
-- "Have you not confidence in Captain Harding?"
-- They have confidence in you, and you can depend upon them.
-- These Americans were religious men, scrupulous observers of the precepts of the Bible, and their situation could not but develop sentiments of confidence towards the Author of all things.
-- I observed that every now and then she stole a curious look at my face, as if to make quite sure that I was not deceiving her, and that these glances (very sharp and keen they were too) seemed to increase her confidence at every repetition.
-- As I had felt pleased at first by her confidence I determined to deserve it, and to do credit to the nature which had prompted her to repose it in me.
-- It checks their confidence and simplicity two of the best qualities that Heaven gives them and demands that they share our sorrows before they are capable of entering into our enjoyments.'
-- These opinions being equally incontrovertible with those he had already pronounced, he went on to inform us that Jamaica rum, though unquestionably an agreeable spirit of great richness and flavour, had the drawback of remaining constantly present to the taste next day; and nobody being venturous enough to argue this point either, he increased in confidence and became yet more companionable and communicative.
-- By these means he in time reached the door, where he gave a great cough to attract the dwarf's attention and gain an opportunity of expressing in dumb show, the closest confidence and most inviolable secrecy.
-- The wine attracted her, not because of its taste, but because it enabled her to forget her past life, to comfort herself with ease, and the confidence of her own worth that it gave her.
-- When the reading of the indictment was finished, the justiciary, having consulted with his associates, turned to Kartinkin with an expression on his face which plainly betokened confidence in his ability to bring forth all the truth.
-- By the aid of this power she gets control over this hero--a kind, trustful, rich guest, and uses his confidence first to rob him, and then to pitilessly murder him."
-- The colonel spoke so impressively and with such self- confidence and dignity that no one dared to interrupt him.
-- "Undermining the bases--undermining the bases"--smilingly repeated the Prince, who had boundless confidence in the intelligence and honesty of his liberal comrade and friend.
-- She was fearless enough in the daylight, and she had the oddest confidence in me; for once, in a foolish moment, I made threatening grimaces at her, and she simply laughed at them.
-- With that refuge as a base, I could face this strange world with some of that confidence I had lost in realising to what creatures night by night I lay exposed.
-- And in the confidence of renewed day it almost seemed to me that my fear had been unreasonable.
-- It was so decided; loaded pistols were served out to all the sure men; Hunter, Joyce, and Redruth were taken into our confidence and received the news with less surprise and a better spirit than we had looked for, and then the captain went on deck and addressed the crew.
-- But one circumstance happened which showed the wonderful dexterity of Ned Land, and proved what confidence we might place in him.
-- There, sir!that is the perfection of vessels!And if it is true that the engineer has more confidence in the vessel than the builder, and the builder than the captain himself, you understand the trust I repose in my Nautilus; for I am at once captain, builder, and engineer."
-- I was alone for several hours, sometimes thinking of the natives but without any dread of them, for the imperturbable confidence of the Captain was catching sometimes forgetting them to admire the splendours of the night in the tropics.
-- I have but one thing to say to you: Have confidence in him, and go to sleep in peace."
-- Her look of confidence and diffidence contrasted with Ursula's sensitive expectancy.