
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:53


confidence是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. (in) 信任; 信心, 自信; 秘密, 机密,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- But if you were free to-day, to-morrow, yesterday, can even I believe that you would choose a dowerless girl you who, in your very confidence with her, weigh everything by Gain: or, choos-ing her, if for a moment you were false enough to your one guiding principle to do so, do I not know that your repen-tance and regret would surely follow.



-- That, he called with confidence on the jury to come and do likewise.

-- 'The prisoner was as open in his confidence with me which arose out of my helpless situation as he was kind, and good, and useful to my father.

-- 'It is, that if Miss Manette should bring to you at any time, on her own part, such a confidence as I have ven-tured to lay before you, you will bear testimony to what I have said, and to your belief in it.

-- Relieved as his mind reverted to that, he answered: 'Your confidence in me ought to be returned with full confidence on my part.

-- The confidence is not of my seeking, recollect.



-- "With you I should soon learn; I somehow feel confidence in you," she said to him.

-- "And I have confidence in myself when you are leaning on me," he said, but was at once panic- stricken at what he had said, and blushed.

-- She remembered how she had told her husband of what was almost a declaration made her at Petersburg by a young man, one of her husband's subordinates, and how Alexey Alexandrovitch had answered that every woman living in the world was exposed to such incidents, but that he had the fullest confidence in her tact, and could never lower her and himself by jealousy.

-- As though tears were the indispensable oil, without which the machinery of mutual confidence could not run smoothly between the two sisters, the sisters after their tears talked, not of what was uppermost in their minds, but, though they talked of outside matters, they understood each other.

-- Jealousy according to his notions was an insult to one's wife, and one ought to have confidence in one's wife.



-- Let it be observed that the Bank of England reposes a touching confidence in the honesty of the public.

-- John Bunsby, himself, a man of forty-five or thereabouts, vigorous, sunburnt, with a sprightly expression of the eye, and energetic and self-reliant countenance, would have inspired confidence in the most timid.

-- What need would they have of a cook or servant on an American steamer, and what confidence would they put in him, dressed as he was?

-- Passepartout felt something like a shudder shoot through his frame, but his confidence in his master remained unbroken.



-- It is doubtful if Leora herself had a chance to say anything, for he poured out his every confidence as a disciple of Gottlieb.

-- Her confidence in him, the affection of this uprooted old woman bewildered in a strange land, overcame him; he lost all his whisky- colored feeling that he was a nimble fellow, and in a melancholy way, with all the weight of life again upon him, he sighed that no, nothing had happened, but he'd forgotten to tell Madeline something--so shor--so sorry call so late--could he speak Mad just minute-- Then Madeline was bubbling, "Why, Marty dear, what is it?

-- He longed for the girl Leora; she stirred him, and with gay frank passion she answered him; but to another, sexless Leora he talked more honestly than to Gottlieb or his own worried self, while with her boyish nod or an occasional word she encouraged him to confidence in his evolving ambition and disdains.

-- If he has a dirty old office, with hand-me-down chairs and a lot of second- hand magazines, then the patient isn't going to have confidence in him; he is going to resist the treatment--and the doctor is going to have difficulty in putting over and collecting an adequate fee.



-- It was only the un-bounded confidence inspired by Nastasya's account of her brother's queer friend, which prevented her from trying to run away from him, and to persuade her mother to do the same.

-- He had too much confidence in himself, in his power and in the helplessness of his victims.

-- But as to Pyotr Petrovitch, I always had confidence in him,' Katerina Ivanovna continued, 'and, of course, he is not like 芒聙娄' with an extremely stern face she addressed Amalia Ivanovna so sharply and loudly that the latter was quite dis-concerted, 'not like your dressed up draggletails whom my father would not have taken as cooks into his kitchen, and my late husband would have done them honour if he had invited them in the goodness of his heart.'



-- So true are these avowals at the present day, that I can now onlytake the reader into one confidence more.

-- On my imparting thisdiscovery in confidence to Peggotty, she informed me that herbrother dealt in lobsters, crabs, and crawfish; and I afterwardsfound that a heap of these creatures, in a state of wonderfulconglomeration with one another, and never leaving off pinching 37whatever they laid hold of, were usually to be found in a littlewooden outhouse where the pots and kettles were kept.








