construction是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 建造, 构造; 建筑物, 结构; 释义, 解释,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- and how could its construction have been kept secret?
-- But how admit that the construction of this submarine boat had escaped the public eye?
-- "That is evident," I replied; "and for the sake of archaeologists let us hope that these excavations will be made sooner or later, when new towns are established on the isthmus, after the construction of the Suez Canal; a canal, however, very useless to a vessel like the Nautilus."
-- And if we take this as a working hypothesis we have a fresh basis from which to start our construction of this unknown visitor.'
-- Now this beginning of which the engineer spoke was the construction of an apparatus which would serve to transform the natural substances.
-- Without losing an instant, therefore, they began the construction of a kiln to bake the pottery, which was indispensable for their domestic use.
-- In fact, the Catalan method, properly so called, requires the construction of kilns and crucibles, in which the ore and the coal, placed in alternate layers, are transformed and reduced, But Cyrus Harding intended to economize these constructions, and wished simply to form, with the ore and the coal, a cubic mass, to the center of which he would direct the wind from his bellows.
-- In fact, the waterfall created by the explosion rendered the construction of two bridges necessary, one on Prospect Heights, the other on the shore.
-- So, the construction of a regular bridge was noted in the list of future works.
-- Having completed the construction of this appendage, he surveyed his work with great complacency, and put his hat on again very much over one eye, to increase the mournfulness of the effect.