tired是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 疲劳的; 厌倦的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- They grow tired of the nuts they pick, and throw them down.
-- Then all would begin again till they grew tired of the city and went back to the tree-tops, hoping the Jungle-People would notice them.
-- I am tired to-night, very tired with new things, Gray Brother, but bring me the news always.'
-- 'Men who have journeyed since the rising sun, in the shades of this forest, without nourishment, and are sadly tired of their wayfar- ing.'
-- But the watchfulness of these vigilant protectors neither tired nor slumbered.
-- 'Was it war, when the tired Indian rested at the sugartree to taste his corn!who filled the bushes with creeping en-emies!who drew the knife, whose tongue was peace, while his heart was colored with blood!Did Magua say that the hatchet was out of the ground, and that his hand had dug it up?'
-- How long the tired Duncan lay in this insensible state he never knew himself, but his slumbering visions had been long lost in total forgetfulness, when he was awakened by a light tap on the shoulder.
-- The clouds, as if tired of their furious chase, were breaking asunder; the heavier volumes, gath-ering in black masses about the horizon, while the lighter scud still hurried above the water, or eddied among the tops of the mountains, like broken flights of birds, hov-ering around their roosts.
-- Even if he was tired of me, I wonder that he had the heart to leave them.
-- How long do you think it'll be before he gets tired of a scrubby room in a scrubby hotel?
-- I was tired of doing much the same thing every day.
-- I've always thought it would be jolly to have someone to talk to when one was tired of work."
-- It grew later and later, and at last I was as tired as he.
-- The direction was indicated by the river, whose course they had only to follow, and, towards six o'clock, tired enough with their excursion, Herbert and Pencroft arrived at the Chimneys.
-- They contented themselves with spreading moss and dry leaves on the sand of the passages, and on these primitive couches the tired workers slept soundly.
-- 'She's tired you see, Mrs Quilp,' said the dwarf, squinting in a hideous manner to imply that his wife was to follow his lead.
-- 'Why, how tired you look, my dear!'
-- He was quite tired out with pacing the streets, to say nothing of repeated disappointments, and was sitting down upon a step to rest, when there approached towards him a little clattering jingling four-wheeled chaise, drawn by a little obstinate-looking rough-coated pony, and driven by a little fat placid-faced old gentleman.
-- The old man and the child quitted the gravel path, and strayed among the tombs; for there the ground was soft, and easy to their tired feet.
-- The supper was very good, but she was too tired to eat, and yet would not leave the old man until she had kissed him in his bed.
-- And Simon Michaelovich said: 'We are also tired of him.
-- The foreman insisted that she was guilty of both the poisoning and robbery; the merchant, colonel, clerk and laborer opposed this view, while the others hesitated, but the opinion of the foreman began to predominate, principally because the jury were tired out, and they willingly joined the side which promised to prevail the sooner, and consequently release them quicker.
-- They were so tired and the arguments had so confused them that it did not occur to any one to add "but without the intent to cause the death of the merchant."
-- The verdict was reached not because the majority of the jury agreed to it, but first because the justiciary had so drawn out his speech that he failed to properly instruct the jury; second, because the colonel's story about his brother-in-law's wife was tedious; third, because Nekhludoff was so excited that he did not notice the omission of the clause limiting the intent in the answer, and thought that the words "without intent to rob" negatively answered the question; fourth, because Peter Gerasimovich was not in the room when the foreman read the questions and answers, and chiefly because the jury were tired out and were anxious to get away, and therefore agreed to the verdict which it was easiest to reach.